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By Anonymous - 27/03/2016 14:36 - United States

Today, I got my phone back after bringing it in to get a crack in the screen repaired. The crack is fixed, but now the touch screen doesn't work and it won't connect to the Internet. I essentially paid to have my phone broken even more. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 369
You deserved it 1 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, that's definitely not okay. Go back and make them fix it again-- correctly this time

Exact same thing happened to me. I just took it back to the repair place showed them the problem and they fixed it for free.


Yeah, that's definitely not okay. Go back and make them fix it again-- correctly this time

some places don't take liability and say if they make it worse you're SOL. happened to me

you got scammed. Unless you signed something they are liable. You paid for a service and if they don't deliver you can hold them legaly accountable. I'm no lawyer so please correct me if I'm wrong.

Today, I couldn't repair some guy's phone so I got so angry I dropped it on purpose and broke it even more. FML

Try to explain and get a new one, you deserve to have a good phone considering the money you paid OP.

Exact same thing happened to me. I just took it back to the repair place showed them the problem and they fixed it for free.

idk where you live but here you should be guaranteed either a refund or them fixing it properly whatever you want really because they've changed it from a minor to a major failure on the phone. if you go back and they don't fix it they would be braking the law (at least here, Soz I'm not sure where you are ir what the law is there)

O_B_A_M_A 15

Sue your phone doctor for malpractice

Or you could just go back and let them fix it for free since the are the once that messed it up. No need to sue people

Wow, at a time when phone security is a national issue, you've gotten your phone… uh, encrypted as a bonus. How generous.

How are you writing this if your phone is broken ?

itssnotfunny 24

FML has a website too.. the person could have just gotten on a computer.

That happened to me, except it wouldn't even turn on... And they said because I signed a contract there was nothing I could do. So we took it to another place and they said that there was internal damage from it being dropped and the screen was cracked and all of the inside stuff was a jumbled mess.

It's possible to access the FML website from computer