FML for mobile
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By bananaface - 16/11/2009 07:29 - United States

Today, I stood in line for one hour to get a new phone. It then took me 2 minutes to drop it and shatter the screen, and 2 seconds for the employee to look at, laugh, and tell me, "That Sucks." FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 539
You deserved it 32 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Two minutes to drop it? Were you on an airplane at 40,000 ft when you dropped it? Or was it one of those comedy scenes where you were juggling and bobbling it and finally it fell to the ground and got smashed?

suaveneanderthal 0

are you sure it wasn't a new iphone? all phone's on this website seem to be iphones


suaveneanderthal 0

are you sure it wasn't a new iphone? all phone's on this website seem to be iphones

Vapid is a word, too, moron. It means flat or lifeless, and is used correctly in #6's sentence.

haha I would have done the same thing as the employee, YDI for being clumsy with a brand new phone! Now you're out a couple hundred dollars (unless you bought a cheap ass phone, then you're probably only out $50) Next time learn to hold onto things; makes life a helluva lot easier and less expensive!

What's an ass phone? Is that one where people can't butt into your conversation? Seriously, use a hyphen! :-P

hellokittywhore 0

haha ****** funny man!!!!!! haha can't butt in!!! >_<

bigmetal50 0

holy crap, i think this employee was me...the "waiting" part was waiting for the customer before them, and activation and everything. as soon as she opened the box, the phone fell onto the tile floor and the glass on tbe screen wasnt cracked, but it would no longer display anything. and we did replace it with another one for free, we want our customers to come back, not tell their friends and family to stop shopping there

Butterfingers. Attach it to a bungee next time cause it sounds like your a bit of a clumsy doofus!

people who stand in line for hours at a time for a game or piece of technology are PATHETIC. you DESERVED it.

Sometimes an hour is a short wait. I never waste money on "top of the line" anything, since it will be out of date and half the price a few weeks later, but it still takes me an hour to get a sales rep at the AT&T store near my house. Because even if I just want to buy a new memory card, I have to wait behind the guy getting a new blackberry and the guy adding internet service to his LG-whatever. Still, while the irony of breaking your new phone may be crushing, you don't get sympathy from me for being clumsy.

DogFun 0

@10, You sir are an idiot who just can't afford technology. Things don't go down in price "in a few weeks." Also with your mentality, why buy anything? It will just become old anways.

He doesn't literally mean a few weeks jerk. And yes things do drastically decline in price. The iphone cost me 640 dollars when it first came out. Now if I wanted one I would just pay around 199. Not necessarily in weeks, but sooner or later it was decline. You are an idiot @43

peroxideprincess 0

your pic hahahahaha fat cats make me pmsl

Would not be a FML had you not been so klutzy. Maybe the next time you wait a long time for something you'll be more careful. YDI

peroxideprincess 0

but hey, you got your phone, right? :P

alex_vik 0

Shouldn't of dropped it then. Or, you should've gotten a durable phone, instead of one that 'looks cool'. My EnV is still going strong even though I've had it for over a year and a half. I've had it thrown at tables, dropped it on concrete, and had it slide across the hard floor, but the only time one of the screens cracked is when I got pushed hard into a pool table with the phone in the pocket facing the table. It still works just fine.

SuicideSongbird 0

... be more careful? You just spent an entire post talking about how often you drop and kick your phone

Every one of my friend's iphones including mine, has shattered. Just takes one good drop. I was getting out of the car and had just taken my case off to clean the phone since my little cousin put crumbs in it. It slipped right out of my hand and hit the gravel on it's screen. Shattered into a million pieces and couldn't be used. I take full responsibility and just bought a new one. I wanted the new 3Gs anyways.

perdix 29

Two minutes to drop it? Were you on an airplane at 40,000 ft when you dropped it? Or was it one of those comedy scenes where you were juggling and bobbling it and finally it fell to the ground and got smashed?