By Anonymous - 27/03/2016 14:36 - United States

Today, I got my phone back after bringing it in to get a crack in the screen repaired. The crack is fixed, but now the touch screen doesn't work and it won't connect to the Internet. I essentially paid to have my phone broken even more. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 357
You deserved it 1 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, that's definitely not okay. Go back and make them fix it again-- correctly this time

Exact same thing happened to me. I just took it back to the repair place showed them the problem and they fixed it for free.


Go back there and have them fix it again. Or get a refund at the least. Sorry about your phone, OP.

Never ever leave a store/garage without testing the repaired product first! Return to store, tell them to fix their mistake.

zeffra13 31

You didn't check it before you left with it? Still, that's obviously a mistake with their work so they should fix it

Eyalsh 32

Please tell me that was a licensed repairer

mads_nicole 19

This happened to me at ubreakifix

Something like that happened to me before except in my case, the screen would go crazy, apps would click open by themselves, I couldn't type without the keyboard randomly typing letters as well. I just took it back and they fixed it free of charge.

cheshireau 26

Maybe, I don't know -and this is just a guess- take it back and have them fix it. I think that will fix the situation.