By Jessica - 28/02/2012 19:38 - United States

Today, I got my score back for the monologue I performed. I got points taken off for "seeming nervous." My character was supposed to be nervous. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 322
You deserved it 2 665

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seems like you should get bonus points for being so convincing!

They're probably just jealous of your talent ;)


itsmelaura 1

Well considering you spelt monologue wrong, you were probably genuinely nervous.

a24601 1

might I suggest that it was seeming nervous and not being nervous that was the problem? perhaps seeming nervous was not acting nervous enough... coming from a professional btw... you can't seem nervous. gotta be nervous.

music_lover95 0

I completely understand, the same thing happened to me in my solo for districts competition.

SunsFan 0

I'm sorry. I did a monologue once. I almost cried haha.

You can't even spell 'monologue'… My class had to do one once, but I was absent. The teacher just let me hand in a copy.

See! Your such a great actor they really did thought you were nervous!! :)

xearthmuffin 0

1) Spell monologue right. 2) That just means you didn't make your character clear enough. YDI.

oh do I remember my days in theater arts....and I don't miss a one of them!