By phobopohobia - 06/02/2009 22:09 - United States

By phobopohobia - 06/02/2009 22:09 - United States
By unknown - 17/08/2019 02:00 - Canada
By Anonymous - 17/06/2023 03:00
By Shooter71 - 16/10/2010 04:09 - France
By mrrichkid - 06/03/2010 01:05 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/06/2014 19:22 - United Kingdom
By Simon Edhouse - 13/09/2021 09:00 - New Zealand - Auckland
By onehundredpercenteffed - 14/08/2009 01:46 - United States
By unsatisfying - 28/10/2010 05:05 - Australia
By Anonymous - 23/02/2021 17:01
By Anonymous - 15/05/2019 01:00
your wife sucks, kick her to the curb.
Same as the others said. If she never said anything about it before, **** her life; she should have told you.
Either she's an idiot for never bringing it up sooner, or you're as dense as a brick for not being able to gauge her reactions/responses.
Tell her, if you had a nickel for each time you have blown your load while thinking of some random hot chick you passed in the street that day, you would be a millionair ;)
Ouch. I'm, well, a virgin, but I know what some women like. Anyway, try to get her to be more truthful about her reactions. She just had an outburst then; faking shows that she cares about your feelings. I think the worst thing a guy can do is flat out ask their spouse what they've been doing wrong, but I'm not sure. I'd save it as a last resort. Hope things turn out better in the future. Remember to put her needs before yours!
unless it's the choice between redecorating the house or buying a boat :D
No actually the worst thing he can do is have sex with her for years and NOT find out if she's enjoying it. I don't see how it wouldn't come up, unless he is totally oblivious and stupid. or she's a bitch for faking it and lying when he asked her for constructive criticism.
WTF, this situation does not deserve a divorce! Just talk to her about it, and try and learn what she likes. It could be very exciting and brighten up your sex life :D
Either she's an idiot for never bringing it up sooner, or you're as dense as a brick for not being able to gauge her reactions/responses.
Same as the others said. If she never said anything about it before, **** her life; she should have told you.