By signinept - 18/09/2009 23:28 - United States

Today, I got really annoyed waiting for a bus that was supposed to come every 10 minutes. After a few minutes of waiting, I realized the "bus stop" was really a no parking sign. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 307
You deserved it 49 910

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My suggestion.. read the sign. It's less hassle and involves no thinking until AFTER YOU'VE READ THE SIGN!


I highly recommend buying a box of sleeping pills and a bottle of Jack Daniels, and shifting off this mortal coil for the benefit of the rest of us.

WTF are you doing waiting for the bus? Don't you have a ******* bike?

LOL what city do you live in where every bus stop has a timetable on it?

doglover100 28

How the actual fu*k do you know the bus stops every 10 minutes, but not WHERE it stops?!