By FML - 05/10/2014 23:30 - United States - Houston

Today, I got robbed. I just moved so I didn't have much in my new house. They did decide that my cat was valuable enough to steal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 798
You deserved it 3 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

martin8337 35

some people, especially methheads will steal anything just to get (not earn) a buck these days.

AnOriginalName 19

It's a catnapping! Find the burglar right meow, kick his ass, and get your cat back. Kitting aside, that's ****** up if the burglar really did take your cat. Any possibility that your cat just ran off and is hanging out somewhere in the neighborhood?


kittykat1501 31

Awwww poor you I would hate to lose Teddy Gram, my cat

Oh my god, that's so cruel! So sorry OP :(