By Justme - 05/06/2013 05:02 - United States - Lafayette

Today, I got the bill for the flowers my husband arranged to be delivered to me while he's out of town next week. I also got the bill for the flowers he's sending to the floozy he'll be seeing next week while he's out of town. The gift tag for it was: "I can't wait to see you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 660
You deserved it 3 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Leave his stuff outside for when he gets back/ yard sale and change the locks. Cheating sucks. If you are not happy just leave, but don't stay with the jerk, makes you just as bad.

Send him a message or call saying "don't even bother coming home" and pack his shit up


I am unfortunately going through the same thing right now. It hurts. Badly.

what a scuzzball!!!!!!! dump his ass leave him on the curb with flowers that say "can't wait to be single!"

jem970 19

Time to slap down some divorce papers.

jarockstar27 10

At that point I would have sent him divorce papers and a bill for the divorce lawyer

Be SURE it's not a relative or old platonic friend he'll be seeing... THEN take action: Send him flowers telling him that you know he's cheating! And using the same idea that the woman whose hubby received the (cheating) messages from "Kelsi" - detail where you hubby can find all his belongings. Change the locks. Contact a lawyer.

sdahl1113 4

in cases of infidelity FYL every time. I'm really sorry OP.

Well don't pay the bill...or just pay for the part that's for you...

ginawater19 13

That's heartbreaking. Idk what I would do. Good luck. And if the marriage is worth saving I'd give it a shot

Men are so stupid people, they can't do anything right!

Get a head start while he's gone. File for divorce and change the locks. While you're at it, make a Goodwill donation of his wardrobe.