By Aggie_De - 14/12/2013 12:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I got the DVD back from a dance concert I did. After watching it, I realised that I had a camel toe through the whole thing. Three and a half hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 784
You deserved it 7 336

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lyvingvamp 15

how exactly could you not feel that?

red225 14


ZY1431 24

I have shorts and there my favorite and they make it look like I have a camel toe so luckily your not the only one lol

bronzewolf2 7

I can edit that video for you, I might have it for like a month or so and sorry if there's anything on the cd case when it's returned

How embarrassing but seriously how do you not feel your pants riding up your meat curtains?

MzZombicidal 36

"Meat curtains" made me cringe.