By heretoserve - 27/09/2014 04:22 - United States - Winchester
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 31/01/2015 01:25 - Australia - Brisbane
By Anonymous - 29/05/2016 02:20 - United States - Exeter
The scene
By Goober - 05/06/2023 06:00
Working here sucks
By people suck - 28/03/2015 04:16 - United States - Oakland
By fastfoodslave - 06/09/2014 06:11 - United States - Northampton
By maleficunt - 03/06/2014 20:44 - United Kingdom - Cannock
By anonymous - 30/09/2012 05:32 - Canada - Edmonton
That's no excuse
By Anonymous - 15/04/2021 08:00
By Anonymous - 03/07/2018 15:00
Pennies From Heaven
By Anonymous - 07/09/2019 04:02
Top comments
fast food is the worst when it comes to customers
#13 some angry customers just don't care. I guess they just prefer to just take out their anger on random people.
So is over the phone customer service. People act even more psycho when they are alone and in the comfort of their own home. I've had people threaten to kill me and my family numerous times for little to no reason!
You really like the word "just", don't you?
# 21 I work in a call center too, I know your pain. Some customers are psycho.
Not just fast food, it's any business in customer it retail, food, IT, etc. Some people just come at you, already in a terrible mood, looking for a fight. Misguided anger..gotta love it.
I've been in customer service (retail) for four years and counting. This job has made me come to the conclusion that the majority of people are actually completely stupid and/or assholes.
I do not understand why anyone would agree to let others treat him like shit. I'd rather have no job and live on the street than listen to some assholes with anger issues. Does honor mean nothing nowadays? Our ancestors have fought to the death and you can't even deal with one customer? Because of people like OP customers think they are the gods. You always talk to the customers in a language they can understand.
People need to do crazy things like eat and pay rent or support families. You have to do what you have to do. Retail/customer service sucks (because most people suck) but you have to pay your bills somehow.
I used to work at Home Depot and our debit/ credit machine automatically asked at the end if the customer would like an emailed receipt (because we got so many contractors and stuff in who didn't want to deal with paper) and I got yelled at all the time by customers because they didn't want an emailed receipt. Of course, logically, instead of pressing no, they'd start yelling at me saying how that was so stupid and how they'd better get a paper receipt and how technology is ruining everything- on and on when hitting a button would have sent them on their way. People just like to have someone they can yell at.
Fast Food is also the worst when it comes to service. This is why customers are rude...we're tired of bad service.
people are so sensitive these days
Comment probably sounded better in your head man. That was a fail.
I feel your pain! I got yelled at because of someone else's mess up!
One time a customer threw their burger at me 'cause the wanted ketchup instead of mustard, I was the cashier
I picked up the phone at work once and said "thanks for calling how can I help you?" And the customer told me I had an ugly voice and mocked me until I hung up. People just have to bring others down to make themselves feel better.
#25 can you make that into an fml I would like to know more
I picked up the phone and told the person "Hello, thank you for calling XYZ how may I help you?" and they called me a bunch of things because apparently that's how Hispanics answer the phone.
This is terrible to hear...I hope you got management to sort that asshole out.
Sadly that would mean getting management for every third customer.
And proven on FML, the customer is ALWAYS right.
Sadly managers these days don't have the intestinal fortitude to do that. They let people abuse "the customer is always right".
I'm sure management took the customer's side, unfortunately.
I once saw someone do that, lets just say it didnt go well :| .
31 - Story time?
I was at mcd, middle of the night and nowhere else was open and everyone was sleepy as hell, and then while waiting for my mcchicken this obese woman barely gets passes the door. She askes for 2 big mac meals and 2 extra fries. The dude taking the order thought she wanted small extra fries, not large and when she found out of her way out, she ran in and threw a tantrum and also threw fries all over the place.
you should've told her to go fill her fatness at a different fast food restaurant if she's going to be like that. Hope you feel better though!
Only works if you're the GM, which I seriously doubt is the case, here. And even then, if it's not a franchise…
I think that the workers do have the right to refuse service. I'm not 100% sure though. I only take warehouse jobs because people are Assholes.
"Fill her fatness"...
Checking with the customer? OP you should know better.
reminds me of eminem's video, spit in the onion rings wahaha

fast food is the worst when it comes to customers
Give her a small fries and see how mad she gets then