By Anonymous - 03/07/2018 15:00

Today, I was verbally harassed by a customer because I wouldn’t give her special treatment after her meal was incorrect. I offered her a refund and a coupon for a free meal, which she refused before calling me a stupid kid who wouldn’t do anything to help her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 598
You deserved it 233

Same thing different taste

Top comments

julfunky 29

A refund AND a free meal coupon? Sounds like special treatment to me. The only thing I’ve ever been offered after getting my order screwed up is the correct meal. Be kind to those who handle your food if you ever plan on eating there again.

She broke the cardinal rule.. don’t **** with people that handle your food.


julfunky 29

A refund AND a free meal coupon? Sounds like special treatment to me. The only thing I’ve ever been offered after getting my order screwed up is the correct meal. Be kind to those who handle your food if you ever plan on eating there again.

PenguinPal3017 19

Yeah, that already is much better than they deserve.

“Today... I gave the stupid kid who messed up my last order another chance to wait on me. This time he got my order of spaghetti marinara correct, but spilled it all over my white pantsuit.”

Sounds more like F her life for being moderately retarded.

She broke the cardinal rule.. don’t **** with people that handle your food.

I hope the idiot who coined the phrase "the customer is always right" is burning in hell.

How hard is your job that you can't even get a simple order correct?

fuckingkillme17 8

rush hour hits a restaurant, on of the kitchen employees misread a order... new trainee messes up... customer forgets to inform you of allergies

Lol as a person who used to make sandwiches at a subway I’ve learned that some people can be absolute douchebags with their orders. To be fair some people have health issues, but I swear some people make it their lifelong objective to be asshats. That being said on a busy day you could be juggling 3-5 tables at one time and if you get one of these types of people at a table it really turns into a shit show.

WHSKitty 7

Wtf? Maybe there was just one minor thing wrong, but the stupid ass customer threw a major hissy fit bc she (said customer) was just a bitch.

thatslifeiguess7 16

like I always say, watch the movie Waiting and then decide if you want to get shitty with the people who make your food.

Paul B. Gyurcsanszky 14

Obviously she hasn’t watched “Waiting”!

Don't let anyone talk to you like that. I'm not saying to stoop to their level but you can ask them to stop. No job is worth it. Plus by law you can refuse service.