
By 00anon00 - 02/07/2020 02:01

Today, I was fired from my local animal shelter. I was a volunteer and am currently in school for veterinary technology. My education made the paid staff at the shelter feel threatened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 700
You deserved it 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can't be fired as a volunteer. They decided they'd rather not accept your free labor. Yikes!

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

More likely that you were so full of yourself they wanted nothing to do with you.


You can't be fired as a volunteer. They decided they'd rather not accept your free labor. Yikes!

Can you imagine how horrible she must have been? Someone decided they'd rather scoop poop rather than have that person do it for free.

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

More likely that you were so full of yourself they wanted nothing to do with you.