By Anonymous - 01/11/2016 14:47

Today, I had a 10-hour shift that started at 5 a.m. We can't leave until relief comes and we don't get paid for overtime if our relief is late. The good news is my relief came early. The bad news is he went on a smoke break and never came back. They want me to stay until we close and I'm the only cashier. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 853
You deserved it 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You must work for Walmart they tried that with me and I said "overtime or I'm leaving" they can't force you to work a second shift.


leave your job, this kind of behavior is what leads employers to treat employees poorly, you are not their slave

mariri9206 32

I hope you told them you weren't staying until close. It's not your shift - yours ended - and, therefore, not your responsibility. It's their responsibility to find coverage, whether it's tracking down the employee who is scheduled to be there or finding someone else to come in. Though, I hope they fire or reprimand the employee who was meant to be there but took off.

polsen4273 8

Sounds like you need to talk to a lawyer and sur the shit outa them

Because you don't ever paid over time you are allowed to leave at the end of your shifts. You are under no obligation to stay for overtime. Atleast in NZ.

It's either you pay me or I leave that's it

Do you work in slave labour? That is ridiculous.

xbaconator9000x 16

I don't care what your workplace tells you, you're entitled to be paid for every single second over your shift that you spend there. No excuses.

It's not legal to make you stay and not pay you. You could just leave when your shift is over and file a lawsuit if they fire you.

Pretty much anywhere in the world, you are not legally required to stay back past your allocated shift time unless you consent. Also, you must be paid overtime. Also, you can't legally work more than a certain amount of hours a day (check with your local laws on this)

If they are an "at will" employer, then they are not legally required to keep you employed if you do that, they can terminate you for any reason.

If youve not signed any papers where you agree to forfeit over time or earn salary you are eligible if over 40 hours.BTW you act like a 10 hour shift is long. I can work 14-16 hours ans go to school and be fine.