By Anonymous - 01/11/2016 14:47

Today, I had a 10-hour shift that started at 5 a.m. We can't leave until relief comes and we don't get paid for overtime if our relief is late. The good news is my relief came early. The bad news is he went on a smoke break and never came back. They want me to stay until we close and I'm the only cashier. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 853
You deserved it 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You must work for Walmart they tried that with me and I said "overtime or I'm leaving" they can't force you to work a second shift.


ill take reasons im glad im in a good union for 400 Alex

You need to re-think your career path. If your work has you working 10 hour shifts with no overtime pay... and would have you stay on if your "relief" decides not to show up.... that's not right You need a job that has a better Human Resources department

Lol- the drunk side of me said pull the fire alarm- bet your ass they'll call someone in- and customers can not be in the store- I'll see my self out

They have to pay you for the time you worked. No if and or buts about it. If you're scheduled shift is for 10 hours, and you work 11. You have to be paid for that 11th hour i also hope they are following your states meal break laws, too!

"they have to pay you for the time you worked" That's the not issue. It never said OP was doing it for free. It's just that OP wouldn't make OVERTIME. Not Getting paid overtime is not the same thing as not getting paid at all.

Sounds like a shitty work environment but if that is how the company works and if that is legal, then you either have to deal with it because you voluntarily took the position with the reasonable assumption that you should have been aware of that situation or you can quit and find something else.

Oh yes, this sounds JUST like my job at CVS!

paige_g2013 16

I really hope you didn't stay OP. If they're not going to pay you for the extra hours that you'd be staying, you don't have to stay.

you should get the overtime the relief showed up and then bailed you do get straight time for All Hours worked?