By Anonymous - 27/11/2015 06:42 - France - Cateri

Today, I had a boyfriend who wanted to wait until marriage before having sex. When I came home, I realised he must have married my roommate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 557
You deserved it 2 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

conman531 23

And they weren't even kind enough to invite you to the wedding

I'm sorry OP! I hope you broke up with him and find someone you deserve soon!


more like YOU wanted to wait, asked he didn't. your own fault.

Maybe waiting was primarily her choice, but he agreed to it. If it was too much for him, he should've told her so or moved on long before cheating on her and breaking her heart.

I don't see where it was her idea, and even if it was it's no excuse for cheating. If you can't wait, talk to you partner or break up.

That's horrible OP. Sorry, no one should have to go through that.

Now that's just cold.. And correction, realized*

tiredofwaiting 25

Wow I am so sorry you deserve so much better.

shortcake18 15

Sorry op but now you know what that they both suck and now you can get them out of your life and find better people.

girl at least you find out how lame he was before you didn't anything stupid like marrying him lol.

Easy way to get back at her. Kick her out, get new roomate.