When the cat's away…
By F*ckyouRoss - 06/03/2021 20:30 - Brazil - Sao Paulo

By F*ckyouRoss - 06/03/2021 20:30 - Brazil - Sao Paulo
By Anonymous - 15/06/2021 11:01
By sometingwong - 01/12/2011 20:32 - United States
By fmlfmlfml - 20/07/2009 16:03 - United States
By Anonymous - 28/06/2024 07:00 - United States
By oopsies - 08/01/2010 01:07 - United States
By jess - 24/12/2018 04:00
By kikuhime - 17/01/2021 02:01
By Anonymous - 24/12/2022 00:00
By Anonymous - 27/11/2015 06:42 - France - Cateri
By iris - 18/05/2012 23:01 - Portugal - Lisbon
Why? You were on break from him. He could **** it up and it's nunya bizness. Is you dad distant geographically or emotionally or both?
When a partner "wants a break," its usually because they want to have sex with someone else while keeping their significant other on a string in case things don't work out with the new person. Or, because they really so want to break up, but want to ease into it for whatever reason. I hope he's now yourcex-boyfriend.
This reminds me of Ross in Friends. "We were on a break!". Rachel just couldn't understand it and she was the one that wanted the break. If your on a break, you can't really be upset that he slept with someone else. I think a break is really just a break up with potential of having second thoughts to go back to your ex. unless there was stipulations about the break...like no sleeping with other people while organizing your thoughts and feelings.
a break is like a time out from the relationship. and Rachel actually called it a time out. she said they needed time apart from one another because it was all getting to be too much. Ross slept with someone else because he ASSUMED Rachel wanted to be with Mark. he shouldn't have done what he done.
a break means time away from one another. a break up means you're separated. a free pass means you're still together but your partner has said they don't mine if you **** about. if I took a break away from my partner, which has happened recently with lockdown putting us all in each others business, I'd be devastated if he did that. a break is limbo. you're together still, but distanced. the boyfriend is a ******** here and she needs to get rid.
I would disagree. My ex and I went on a break specifically to see other people. We ended up breaking up officially 2 weeks later. A break can mean different things for different people. If you don't want the other person to see others then define the parameters of the break.
then you SPECIFIED you were intending to see other people and were intending to separate.
I know I will get downvoted and flamed like hell, but this needs to be said. Problem is, the ones who need to hear it will be too busy downvoting and flaming to actually listen. Anyway, I have never in all of my long years seen a man who wants A Break. And don't even try to compare A Break to a married couple being separated, that is far and away completely different to A Break. When you are dating, There Is No Such Thing As A Break. You either are dating or you are not dating. And go ahead, call it A Break, A Time Out, or a Cheese Pizza for that matter, whatever you want to. "A Break" is merely time for one half of a relationship to step away, release responsibility, and not deal with things that should be dealt with immediately, yet still be able to exercise their control the other half of the relationship. THAT is not a healthy way to deal with things in a relationship. If you need to have A Break, you really need to simply just Break Up.
I don’t agree with your comment. Sometimes a break could help a relationship. My partner and I had a break early into our relationship. We rushed into our relationship to fast and didn’t understand things about each other and it caused us to really bump heads. I let him stay at my house since he had been covering the bills since I was lost my job because of covid. And I stayed with a friend. We were on a break that lasted about a week. During this week we both did make attempts to have sex with other people but decided not to. We hadn’t told each other about our attempts until we were agreeing to get back to each other so it wasn’t like we weren’t allowed to have sex with any one else. But it showed us that even when given the opportunity to be with someone else that it was each other that we preferred. And something I appreciate knowing. Also during our break we had plenty of time to reflect on our own actions with out feeling insecure about them or arguing before completing thoughts. A married or dating sometimes the issue can be of your self and if you need time to reflect upon your self alone it can be beneficial. Sorry for my English.
“We were on a break!!!” -Ross Geller, and apparently your boyfriend
When a partner "wants a break," its usually because they want to have sex with someone else while keeping their significant other on a string in case things don't work out with the new person. Or, because they really so want to break up, but want to ease into it for whatever reason. I hope he's now yourcex-boyfriend.
Why? You were on break from him. He could **** it up and it's nunya bizness. Is you dad distant geographically or emotionally or both?