By Anonymous - 27/11/2015 06:42 - France - Cateri

Today, I had a boyfriend who wanted to wait until marriage before having sex. When I came home, I realised he must have married my roommate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 557
You deserved it 2 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

conman531 23

And they weren't even kind enough to invite you to the wedding

I'm sorry OP! I hope you broke up with him and find someone you deserve soon!


At least you haven't had sex, which makes dumping him somewhat easier.

Not like marriage means anything anymore so what's the point in waiting. Seems like something someone with a small willy would say in order to guarantee more sex in the future.

sounds like its time to move on from both of em, best of luck OP

I hope he didn't try to make it up to you by proposing... a three-way.

TomeDr 24

HAD a boyfriend. Good choice of words.

If you're going to be a cheating arsehole you're supposed to sleep with both girls! Man, this scumbag can't even figure out how to cheat on his girlfriend correctly! Dump his idiotic arse.

Ah pute, il n'en vaut pas la peine /: t'es mielleuse célibataire