By ThirdWheelHell - 30/06/2016 06:07 - United States - Farmville
Same thing different taste
By newmoongirl1036 - 13/07/2015 02:03 - United States - Chicago
By Anonymous - 31/10/2009 20:18 - United States
By Single4Life - 05/07/2009 02:40 - United States
By thetheatreguy - 26/02/2009 14:56 - Canada
By mariah_1_11 - 06/03/2010 05:14 - United States
The straights are at it again
By Anonymous - 31/10/2019 12:01 - United States
By Leroy - 05/10/2019 02:01 - Australia
Friendzone 2.0
By NeverNumberOne - 23/04/2018 01:30
By milkybear - 15/06/2010 07:11 - United States
You tried
By Anonymous - 09/12/2011 07:56 - Australia
Top comments
I can't really think of a reason why you wouldn't be able to turn your friend away while on a date. In hindsight, though, I could see how he was manipulating you and probably pressured you into accepting his company, but still, grow a backbone.
I would've been mad too, that was really rude of you.
Ok 1. why did you just assume he was gay? and 2. gay or not if you're on a date you don't let people tag along. You were super rude to your date and you deserved whatever awkwardness you felt.
The FML says the OP and the friend are...well...friends. So it isn't an assumption.
I'm sorry, but it was rude on both your parts. Yours for inviting along someone else on your date and his for invading. I can't blame your date for a moment for being pissed. Hopefully you learned a well deserved lesson from this.
How did your date have his number?
"our friend"
Am I the only one here who noticed how OP keeps saying "our" friend? If the date didn't want THE COUPLE's friend to tag along, why did he wait until AFTER the date to say something to him? If it's a mutual friend, either party could have said something. And since the date was obviously more upset about it, it should have been him. It's still a jerk move on the friend's part though.
i agree your life sucks but u kinda deserve it for not telling him off
Notice how it said OUR friend, not just OP's, it was a MUTUAL friend.
1. You didn't know he was not gay, isn't terrible of you. You assumed, and your terrible for putting that guy though that bullshit. And if he lied about being gay, shame on you both. 2. Tell friend off, seriously. You can turn away a friend. It's going to ruin your date, not the friendship to turn them away. priority. 3. You deserve it.
They're terrible for assuming someone is gay? Jesus.
I have to agree with your date it was rude of you to not tell your friend to leave.
If you were on a date, then you should have told your friend that it was nice to see him, but you'd have to hang out with him at another time. It was rude of you to invite someone else along.