By furryballoon - 22/11/2011 04:46 - United States

Today, I had a dream that I was trying to pop a balloon. Nothing I did was working, so I put it between my knees and tried to pop it that way. Immediately, I woke up to the sound of frantic hissing and meowing. As it turns out, I was trying to pop the cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 601
You deserved it 6 877

Same thing different taste

Top comments

artsyfox 3

better than waking to a strangled dead cat


boohbah1789 0

My cat would claw the shit out of my face until I had to get stitches.

boohbah1789 0

My cat would claw the shit out of my face until I had to get stitches.

projudy 9

LMAO! You are too awesome. But.. why were you dreaming of popping a balloon?

SierraBunni 8

U could of broken one of its bones!

awww, poor puss! I just gave my Cleocatra an extra hug in your Kitty's honor