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By Anonymous - 21/08/2015 08:33 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was putting the cat outside. He wouldn't go, so I kicked him. Then I woke up to my husband screaming. I’d been dreaming, and the "cat" I kicked was his family jewels. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 692
You deserved it 9 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At first I was like "kicked the cat? You deserve it" then I was like "oh" haha

How damn hard did you kick the cat in the dream?! Did you treat it like a football or something?


At first I was like "kicked the cat? You deserve it" then I was like "oh" haha

Marcella1016 31

Kinda still feel like OP deserves it. For her instinct to be to kick the cat in her dream, who knows what does IRL. I rarely hit YDI but this is one of them. I have two cats and would never dream of kicking them. Edit - Pun not intended, but I guess it works here haha

SystemofaBlink41 27

Well, to be fair, dreams can be pretty ******* weird. I once dreamed I was stealing cars, exploding cop cars and then in the end I turned out to be in the body of Jim Carrey. It doesn't mean I do it in real life or have an urge to do so. Except being Jim Carrey, though...

What if she doesn't even have a cat? And plus if she would treat a cat that way I doubt she'd have a cat if she hated them so much. I don't see how it's a YDI

You don't go and kick a cat. It shouldn't matter if you like it or not, don't kick a cat.

I agree, I think you can't control what happens in dreams but I do hope OP would never kick the cat IRL

Mortoli 30

50 - sorry i get what your trying to say but its not fair to judge someone based off of what they do in a dream, thats actually stupid. ive done so many random things in dreams i wouldnt actually do in real life...

#50 you're assuming OP drop kicks their cat on a regular basis? seriously? because when my cat doesn't want to listen I give him a light boot to the butt, which can also be classified as kicking my cat..........

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Welcome to the hate-ridden website that is FML. Seriously, say something in the slightest that anyone decides they don't like (even if it's a funny post that got top comment on a similar FML) and you'll get down-voted into the abyss.

-16 for this comment? do you people have a concussion ?

dirtbikeguy 14

I've noticed that the puns with the capitalized word that makes the pun a pun, tends to get down voted.

Purrfect comment gets downvoted. Have an upvote.

yoursucklives 36

**** your husbands life. but it isn't really your fault, you were asleep after all! i hope you didn't hit him too hard and that he recoverd fast! :)

Of course it wasn't her fault! It was her husband's fault 100%.

Oh shut up! OP was asleep so it's really not her fault.

This is why I hate fml. #3 gives her honest, reasonable opinion and gets down voted because if a person on this site has a slightly different opinion or misspells a word even, they get down voted by the self-righteous, egotistical, pricks of fml.

Question, not to be rude or anything but, if you hate FML why do you still have it?

F Your husbands life That is definitely not the ideal way to wake up

chrisbeaudoin 26

Your husbands side of the story: this morning i woke up to my wife kicking me in the nuts for no reason.

How damn hard did you kick the cat in the dream?! Did you treat it like a football or something?

tarlax 11

You've obviously never taken a hit to the nuts. Or yours are made of steel. Even a light flick can do it.

They're made of steel then I guess. Cause I've been kicked in the nuts lightly without pain.

You must not be hung like a horse then.

Actually it's impossible to have balls of steal. Your balls are supported only by a thin layer of skin, so there's no way you could have to steel balls in your scrotom

RamboFB 10
tantanpanda 26

two* If you had synthetic balls, it would be totally possible.

I replaced them! ... That sounds painful now that I think about it...

If you had balls of steel it'd be pretty hard to sneak around the house *click* *clack* *click* *clack*

If a thin layer of skin was carrying that around it would hurt like hell, don't even tell me I'm wrong

Thanks OP, Mug root beer out the nose hurts.

Oh come on, you should know by now not to drink and FML.

HeadlessSparrow 20

F the cat's life in the dream!

HeadlessSparrow 20

Insulting someone you don't know for a comment you don't like, real mature.

weaboo 12

He is calling you stupid for a stupid comment (you are feeling sympathy for a cat in someone else’s dream) the same way that I am calling you stupid for not understanding that

You must have really punted them! You kicked the cat out of the bag, so to speak.