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By OhNo. - 27/07/2009 04:07 - United States

Today, I had a job interview, but I arrived kind of late. I was in so much of a hurry that I hit a woman walking by in the face with the door. I offered to drive her to the hospital. Turns out that she was going to be interviewing me. She didn't offer to reschedule. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 068
You deserved it 13 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even if it's not your fault, you can't arrive late to a job interview and still expect much out of it.

ruubear17 0

ohh wow. FYL indeed. To be fair, you didn't intentionally set out to harm anybody...Plus, you even tried to drive them to the hospital. shit happens.


ruubear17 0

ohh wow. FYL indeed. To be fair, you didn't intentionally set out to harm anybody...Plus, you even tried to drive them to the hospital. shit happens.

gotta show the bitch whos boss, you not her, stick that **** deeep throat and make her vomit in a cup and shove it up her ass, get some diarrhea, put it inside ur **** and make her drink it from the **** like a straw

What the f*** is wrong with you two?!?

gotta show the bitch whos boss, you not her, stick that **** deeep throat and make her vomit in a cup and shove it up her ass, get some diarrhea, put it inside ur **** and make her drink it from the **** like a straw

MsTs1 : Please, do humanity a favor and remove yourself from the gene pool.

etx 0

The sad thing is, mostprobablynot, msts1 probably already has 2 or 3 illegitimate children he or she is not taking care of.

oh my GOD! I am dying of laughter from MsTs1's responses..just how it's like a HUGE overreaction hahahahaha.

cupidstunt 0

YDI for being in such a hurry. Be more careful the next time.

newbzoors 0

Hes was late! He had to be in a hurry! And obviously, he was opening the door and she was on the other side. He couldnt see her. I dont see how you could have said this was his fault

Even if it's not your fault, you can't arrive late to a job interview and still expect much out of it.

YDI, if you had been on time, it would never have happened. But really really unlucky.

cucuto89 0

absolutly dude, who can expect someone to show up on time to work when they cant even show up in time for a job interview

Yeah. Always arrive to an interview early.

You'd think the fact you offered to drive her to the hospital and completely miss your interview, before you knew she was your interviewer would count for something.

poopsicle22 0

that would actually probably count against him. if he really wanted the job, he wouldn't miss the interview.

I think the fact that he was late for a job interview and was the person that hit his interviewer in the face with his car door and cause her to need to be taken to the hospital would also count for something.

It wasn't his car door 12. L2read. And if the door managed to hit anyone else, it was more probably a door opening away from the OP and the woman was on the other side where he couldn't see her, so not really his fault. Would you really be more inclined to hire someone who had hit you in the face with a door by mistake then ignored you, than someone who had offered to take you to the hospital despite having an appointment? I doubt it.

sireen 0

you deserve it.. you should be careful. whether you were in a hurry or not, you shouldve been more responsible. I'm 17 years old and always arrive at interviews EARLYYY.

Straight off the bat I'm going to say that YDI for being late to a job interview. You're never going to get hired if you can't arrive on time to something as incredibly important as a job interview.

Kind of late could quite easily mean a minute or two, and as far as you know he had a good reason. It was quite obviously an accident, so I don't really see how anyone can say he deserves it.

You shouldn't be even a minute or two late to an interview. You should be EARLY. And he may have had a "good reason," but he should have anticipated things happening that could make him late. Leave early enough so that if there's traffic or an accident, you still have enough time to get there early. Know how to get there and if there's a parking garage or a gate that requires a pass. Things like that. I still say he deserves it for being late.

There is almost an infinite number of reasons why he could have been unavoidably late, regardless of whether he left early, and one occurring is more likely than him being purposely or carelessly late to an interview for a job he wanted. To say he deserved missing out because of an accident happening that he acted very decently about, making a selfless offer of taking the person to the hospital, even though he didn't know who the person was and knew that it would result in him missing the interview completely, is pretty stupid.

If any unfortunate event is making you late to an interview... CALL THE INTERVIEWING COMPANY. I work in DC and I know exactly how unpredictable traffic, etc. can be. If you call ahead and explain that you are going to be late due to unavoidable circumstances, you usually won't have a problem. Oh, if you call 2 minutes before your interview, it's too late. Make sure to call 10-15 minutes early if possible. If you just show up late... don't expect to be seen. That said, I usually leave for interviews early enough to give myself 30-40 extra minutes.

He could have been mugged on his way there, he could have had an accident on his way into the building, he could have witnessed a crime on his way into the building and been questioned by the police. A lot of things could have happened to make him a couple of minutes late that could happen to anyone. It's stupid to say he deserves the consequence of his accident that he acted responsibly about just because he was running late.

That's a bit of a stretch, don't you think? The OP didn't say why he was late, so all we can do is speculate. But I would think that if he had gotten mugged or had an accident or witnessed a crime, he would have included that in the FML; it would make his situation worse thus producing a "better" FML. Even if it was something like bad traffic or getting lost I would think he would've mentioned that. The fact that he didn't say anything about why he was late leads me to believe it could have been avoided. To be fair, the way he handled the accident was responsible and maybe the interviewer should have been a little more forgiving. But that situation wouldn't have happened if he hadn't been late. Maybe I'm just being harsh because people being late for something important like an interview is one of my pet peeves. Especially when they show up late and then complain about not getting another interview.

I feel bad for OP, but really I think that it's a YDI because of being late. Yes, maybe there was a good reason for it, but a job interview is just one of those things you DON'T show up late to. Plus I understand that he was in a hurry to make up for being late, but he must have been significantly late for his interviewer to be leaving, and it's still no excuse for not looking where you're going.

so your interviewer was late as well I take it? lol