By toryzhere - 29/03/2012 11:13 - Canada

Today, I had a job interview. I have major OCD, and I had to sit in a room with a man covered in cat hair, struggling to even survive for an hour and a half. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 472
You deserved it 3 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you have compulsive disorder obsessive? 1. Not funny 2. Trying too hard


BunBunBabe 8

Sorry OP. I know how much it sucks having OCD! Hope it was worth the hell and you got the job

BunBunBabe 8

It's hard enough to find a job with really bad OCD

perdix 29

Actually, with some highly repetitive jobs, OCD is an advantage. Obsessive attention to detail can produce high quality work even if it cripples the person socially.

BunBunBabe 8

It helps me with my obsession to detail and photographic memory due to years of it, but certain things give you a LOT more anxiety than you'd understand. It can be too much to handle random little tasks

linkinpark98 23

OCD people get on my nerves. :S

KiwiKitten 2

Actually, it's people who HAVE OCD. You can't 'be' OCD. And there are people out there who are diagnosed and medicated for OCD. My cousin has it, and it really gets in her way. Now if you're talking about idiots who claim they are just cause they like everything organized and neat, that's a different story.

linkinpark98 23

Yeah, People who can't control it, I understand. But people who claim to be, just piss me off. :s

Everyone wants to have OCD or some other medical term now days. Jeesh not everyone is OCD. I like my house clean and my clothes clean and pressed but that doesn't make me OCD.

I have CDO... it's like OCD but the letters are in alphabetical order, like they should be...

Yes, that's exactly what commenter #3 said three hours before you did. It wasn't funny then, either.

Again... Also what Perdix stated before this FML

Y'know, if you have a genuine serious medical condition there are probably employment laws giving you the right to a fair interview, ie accounting for your condition. If you're just a cleanliness freak who goes on about OCD for attention, then you deserved to have a bad interview! :p

From your phrasing I guess you don't have OCD.

There are a whole lot of people in this country that would have loved to have had that job interview. At least you got one. Suck it up .

If it's that severe you should get treatment...

I'm not OCD, but that would drive me insane too. It irks me to no end when an interviewer is dressed like a slob and you're all dressed up...geez, show some respect for the person trying to shard to get a job in this economy, not to mention some class. The interviewee isn't the only person being studied. I remember I came home early from a Canada vacation for an interview. The interviewer was 20 minutes late and showed up in sweats and a sweatshirt. She looked younger than me and she had a Twilight poster on her wall (which I don't care about that, I like Twilight), but it really didn't say much about her. I was desperate for a job though, so when I didn't get it, I chalked it up to the fact that I was better than her on many levels.