By Toolate - 10/10/2012 08:26 - United States - Bristol

Today, I went to the surprise birthday party of an ex I still love, though I'm the one who ended things. I walked in in time to see her screaming "Yes" to her kneeling boyfriend, her parents crying and applauding, and her brothers patting him on the back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 204
You deserved it 52 030

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry to hear that, but if you really loved her you wouldn't have let her go

CrassKal 27

You knew you would be asking for pain when you decided to go.


Sorry to hear that, but if you really loved her you wouldn't have let her go

Sorry meant to say if you really loved her you wouldn't have let her go

Schizomaniac 24

Edit: The comment is gone. Move along. Nothing to see here, folks.

Sorry OP,but you will get no sympathy here. If you love that person you shouldn't have broken up with them. I forget who said this quote but they said: "Life is hard. It's harder if you're stupid."

Nightwing98 22

A better quote for this situation is: "We are the causes of our own suffering"

perdix 29

"If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it will be yours forever. If it doesn't, it never was." Oops! Instead of getting your girlfriend back, you found out that your whole relationship with her was a big fraud. Hope the cake was good.

you don't know what you had till it's gone. you deserved it dude

Why break up something with someone you love? If it's hard you fight, not break up, if you do you'll deserve what you feel now.

ArielTheMermaid 17

You shouldn't have broken up with her if you still liked her. That only causes pain and heartache for both parties

Werken247 14

Did anyone stop to consider that maybe he broke up with because she was cheating on him? Maybe even with the guy that just proposed! Just sayin'...

Or maybe it wasn't really something that he had much a choice in. For example, I ended things with one of my more recent exes because her job would have her working a long way away from me almost all the time. I still loved her then, and I still miss her constantly. OP most likely had a similar situation, though the circumstance that made him do so was probably different.

You shouldn't break up with someone you love. If it is hard, then you TRY to make it hurt. Yes, that means a long distance relationship or barely seeing them. If it doesn't work out, then it wasn't meant to be. But you need to FIGHT for someone to love, not just let them go.

llamalpaca382 13

I'm actually in a very similar situation to this, except there's no engagement. I broke up with her a year and a half ago after a year of being together. I broke up with her because I had just been diagnosed with a terrible mental disorder, and I loved her enough not to put her through dealing with it anymore. My disorder is now under control and I'm...pretty much normal,and still madly in love with her, but she has a boyfriend now. It kills me. Don't assume stuff about people's lives.

flyninja17 1

HOLY COW. I just realized I said to try to make it hurt... Whoops. I meant try to make it WORK. Geez, that's why you don't comment when focused on other things -.- I stand by my comment though.

There is a possibility that my boyfriend inherited his mother's Bipolar Disorder. I plan on not leaving him and staying by him through treatments if necessary. If your girlfriend loved you as much as you loved her, she would have stayed. I stand by what I said.

Who says they didn't try? It could have not worked out anyway

CrassKal 27

You knew you would be asking for pain when you decided to go.

"there is nothing to fear but breakups themselves"

Hey that's your fault Op. should have never let her go.

Um, he let her go. And yeah, never let the ones you love get away. And why were you at her surprise party?

Thats what I tell the woman locked up in my basement every day.... JUST KIDDING, I don't have a basement!

Haha, sorry it seemed funny at the time... I'll just go ahead and thumb these down...

perdix 29

I hope the break-up sex was fantastic.

Oh the engagements come so fast. *sniffs* Beautiful. (Read the previous FML for those who don't understand this stream of comments.)

Hey perdix I wanted to know if I can use ur picture for my fml picture Too. I hope u say yes! btw, I aim at becoming a comedy person too. What's the funniest candy in the world? A lol-I-pop! Get it? Lol

Please stop before its to late 126 spare the world

No 126, there will be only one perdix on FML! You can never match his awesome glory. Also, I can't tell if you are being serious or are really so simple-minded... You worry me.

Perdix, it usually is. I have no sympathy for the Original Poster: he appears to think she would eventually come back around and he never spoke up before it was too late. Who wants their significant other to never speak up when the time is right? (I know I'm being harsh but I have had 3 ex-boyfriends try to win me back way too late.)

Ouch, OP! Didn't you know she was seeing someone else? I said FYL cause it had to hurt, but YDI because you tormented yourself by going.

5: Off-topic, but any new developments on the murderous step-daughter front? You haven't commented on your FML yet.

Lol, we told her over the phone and had a sit down with her and her mom. We also had a court appointed counselor there. So far so good. We will see if it gets worse or better. Thanks for asking.

PhishloverA 14

#5 how was OP supposed to know he was gonna walk in on that?

mega20913 8

This might sound cynical but half of marriages end in divorce so maybe wait a few years and if he becomes available again

perdix 29

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perdix 29

CTFD, Doc, this is a humor website, not an advice column.

RedPillSucks 31

Wait, what? I shouldn't do that? Damn. Now I gotta return this Barry White album.

wow oral in ghe middle of a party? kids these days

I'm ashamed to say that's what went through my mind when I first read this, and I had to re-read it. The first thought that crossed my mind was "Parents applauding their daughter getting oral?"

If you really love her, then you'll be happy that she's happy. No matter how painful it is, (and it probably hurts like a bitch) be happy for her. Stay at the party, congratulate the fiancé, tell him he's a lucky man, and have a good time. And then go home, eat ice-cream while playing 'Jar of Hearts', and cry yourself to sleep.

perdix 29

Until you start to hearing the lyrics as "Jar of Farts," and get the giggles. Laughter is the best medicine, they say.

Perdix- on that same train of thought, nobody in my family can listen to "wrapped up like a duke" with a straight face. We all here it as "wrapped up like a douche".

Rick832 5

I was under the impression that it was "revved up like a deuce"

You are correct, 100. Those are the official lyrics. In the Mannfred Mann's Earth Band cover that is the best-known version of that song, however, I maintain that it's impossible to hear it as anything but "wrapped up like a douche."

supermann13_fml 11

How long have you all been apart? If your still in love after years I'd say its time to move on. If its been a couple months then she's really jumping the gun on the whole marriage thing.

jem970 19

Really? I still love my ex boyfriend even after 5 years. It is hard to move on if they are still in your life, which I am guessing he is because he was invited to her surprise B-day party. Time does not matter when it comes to love. He may move on but a part of him may always love her.

Jem, if you are still in love with an EX after half a decade then you need to remove him from your life until you can move on.

If things have ended don't be nostalgic and sit in misery. Yeah things can be hard or uncomfortable, but its even worse to hold yourself back when clearly things have ended. I'm sure the other half isn't sulking around either or else you'd probably be back together after 5 years.