By SpanishInFrenchClass - 06/12/2012 05:35 - United States

Today, I had a presentation in French class. I was so nervous, the first thing I said when I got up there was, "Hola." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 781
You deserved it 5 439

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the_enigma1019 1

Everybody makes mistakes, what matters is your ability to play it off as a joke or make it work to your advantage.


skyeyez9 24

When I was in college, my german class professor could speak, read and write in 5 languages fluently. He taught all 5 languages there and it was amazing how he could switch and not get any words mixed up or confused.

that is impressive, I can't imagine what it's like in his brain with all those thoughts in different languages!

know exactly how you feel, it's hard enough doing a presentation in ones own tongue, much more difficult when I'm doing a Spanish oral exam in front of the entire class

noraaa35 4

Haha that's hilarious! At least you made the class laugh

MasterTron 24

Just don't run out the room terrified and pass out

Hola is french for what are all you people doing sitting around the room in your underwear?

kut17 11

Teacher: Oui? Student: Ouais. Je m'appelle Oui. Est-ce que un problème, mon chien ?

missnuthin 10

i know that feel bro... when i was taking Japanese in college, the first term i would regularly panic and blurt out what little German I remembered from high school.

mvc3ftw 17

The most interesting man in the world can speak you can speak french in spanish!