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By crazyjohnny - 01/06/2009 06:52 - United States

Today, I had a really big debate in my English Class about the legalization of weed. My group had to state reasons why weed shouldn't be legal and no one except me had prepared. My partner came to class totally stoned. Our group lost the debate. We got a F. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 371
You deserved it 7 980

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just point to your friend & say-this is why. Case closed.

Ravemaster7 0

Team grading is as stupid as grading a debate is as stupid as debating the legalization of marijuana in school. Everyone knows what the teacher wants to hear anyway. But it's funny that your partner was stoned and the team arguing for the legalization of it won.


jrsgreenfire257 0

i won a math debate! i won a math debate! say that 10 x fast! xD

StonerkidDGK420 0

I'm sorry... You got the rough side of the stick on that one. Weeds pretty damn good hard to prove that it's bad.

@201 its actually pretty easy but once you say one thing being bad the whole world denies it even if you have experienced it

Helldemon 32

Ya, that whole curing cancer and preventing seizures thing is so horrible and should definitely not be allowed

Just point to your friend & say-this is why. Case closed.

#2 is right. Think on your feet. After all, yer the one NOT using :)) Sorry about the F.

You cant legislate stupidity, thats for sure.

#2.. when I had debates in my english classes, we didn't get to choose which side we were on, so we had to come up with an argument even if u believe in it or not FYL for having irresponsible stupid partners. Just ask your teacher for an exception, I'm sure she/he'll understand because it isn't really your fault

coolcatsparty 0

in soviet russia weed smoke you

Ravemaster7 0

Team grading is as stupid as grading a debate is as stupid as debating the legalization of marijuana in school. Everyone knows what the teacher wants to hear anyway. But it's funny that your partner was stoned and the team arguing for the legalization of it won.

lagodfatha 0

actually the teacher I had when doing a debate on the legalization of weed used to be a huge druggy and really just wanted to hear what we thought about it

in my biology class my teacher actually was for legalising cannabis because it is really useful when treating MRI sufferers and it's also looked at like its some horrific drug when it's not much worse than smoking, and therefore people smyggle and smoke it etc cos they think theyre hard and badass. its a gateway drug to other and worse drugs too.

lipfullacope 0

marijuana is no more of a gateway drug to harder drugs than using caffeine products is to nicotine/tobacco.

jeffandjeff 22

Your personality and how you were raised affects the likelihood of using harder drugs more than weed does.

You should have used him as an example as to why it should be illegal. A+