By yeaokay - 29/10/2010 05:22 - United States

Today, I had a serious conversation with my dad about my brother and I. It started with, "I love you", and ended with, "You and your brother were mistakes." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 130
You deserved it 2 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It could be worse. Credit your dad for taking ownership of his "mistakes" and being present in your lives.

sappel 4

aw :| thats fuked up. wat an ass...


ahahahaha don't even stress half of us here today are mistakes... not me though, I was planned...

Your dad's an ass. My daughter was NOT a mistake. Marrying her mother, on the other hand, was.

My son was an accident but not a mistake. :) I really don't see how "I love you" can turn into that.

Perhaps the brothers came out as gay and the father is one of those intolerant parents?

mintcar 9

Hahaha, I don't even want to believe this.

perdix 29

Did he mean that getting your mom pregnant twice was accidental, or that after seeing what kind of stupid, lazy pieces of shit you and your brother turned out to be, he regrets having children in retrospect? Also, do you have other siblings that were intentional?

I've been there if your 17 it's ok cause when your 18 you can just leave btw I've been there when my parents have said the same thing

imright24 0

It only means they didn't plan on having a kid when your mom got pregnant. Stop your whining.

thrAsHeRr9081 16

then it would've been an accident, not a mistake.

RedPillSucks 31

People use those words interchangeably when discussing children. Not saying its right, just that they do.

Look at it this way, you're not alone. I'd bet a very large number of people walking around today were "mistakes" or "Accidents" of simply the result of a "Whoops" moment. Deal with it. Your Dad even told you that he loved you, so because you were a "mistake" doesn't mean you're not loved. A friend of mine, swore up and down that she would never have kids, didn't want kids, hated everything about kids, the smell, the noise, the expense. Then she had a baby. Now, I'd be hard pressed to find a more loving and devoted parent. Grow up, get over yourself.