By yeaokay - 29/10/2010 05:22 - United States

Today, I had a serious conversation with my dad about my brother and I. It started with, "I love you", and ended with, "You and your brother were mistakes." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 130
You deserved it 2 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It could be worse. Credit your dad for taking ownership of his "mistakes" and being present in your lives.

sappel 4

aw :| thats fuked up. wat an ass...


Yeah, it was an accident... he didn't mean to have sex... he accidentally fell onto your mom and babies happened. Who knew that sex could possibly EVER lead to children. if he was having sex... he knew what he was doing... accident just means that his dumb ass failed to acknowledge the outcome of his actions. By "mistake" he means "I was negligent". So, FHL for being a stupid shit who fails to see the far-reaching implications of the things that he does... and now... to fail to see the far-reaching implications of his words... like having two kids who resent you!

How do you know all this? You're just assuming. For all you know they could have been using birth control and it failed... there could have been a hole in the condom, she could have been using birth control pills and forgot to take them for a few days... There are a million little details that were unspoken but you just went ahead and judged anyway. :-/

My mom says me & my sisters were "pleasant surprises" ...after her birth control failed to work because her thyroid problems countered its effects =/

please... Half of all people born were mistakes. Don't sweat it.

I know you probably won't read this far down, OP, but if you are reading this then please hear me out. I don't know the details of the situation but just cause you and your brother weren't planned, it doesn't mean they love you any less. A lot of stuff happens in life that you didn't plan, but just cause you didn't want it originally doesn't mean it can't turn out to be a good thing. I don't want kids right now, hell to be honest I don't ever want kids. But if my partner ever became pregnant I know I would still love that kid and do everything I could for it. Just be grateful that your parents didn't just abort you and your brother. They chose to put their lives to one side and bring you both up even though it wasn't what they originally planned for themselves. Thats gotta mean something. Even if you had a shitty childhood you still owe those people your life.

Atleast it was both of you. My dad told me, in our family of 4 kids, I was a mistake, everyone else was planned.

narutou546 4

no one is a mistake. god put each of us here for a reason

I absolutely hate it when people consider the fact that they are "mistakes" FML-worthy. IT'S NOT THAT BAD. I was most likely a mistake, and it's quite apparent that both my parents love me dearly and do not regret having me. Your father does not mean he regrets your birth, he merely means to say that your conception was not planned. Long story short: NOT AN FML. AT ALL. Also, regarding the person who has decided that nobody is a mistake: Some of us are. Our existence may not be a mistake (I am an atheist, so I can't really comment), but the parents we were born to did not intend to conceive us.

zacharyhaer 0