By yeaokay - 29/10/2010 05:22 - United States

Today, I had a serious conversation with my dad about my brother and I. It started with, "I love you", and ended with, "You and your brother were mistakes." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 130
You deserved it 2 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It could be worse. Credit your dad for taking ownership of his "mistakes" and being present in your lives.

sappel 4

aw :| thats fuked up. wat an ass...


That really should have no effect on you. He loves you now and that is all tht matters

adam_tajyar 10

Well at least he told u the truth

Lol my cousins baby nickname was Ops. She was an accident child. But we all love her :)

Aww, my dad says that all the time. It just means he's the real mistake for saying something like that too his kids.

ninja_darkstar 6

YDI because I'm an ignorant Yank.

Me and my brother* you only do that at the start of a sentence