By yeaokay - 29/10/2010 05:22 - United States

Today, I had a serious conversation with my dad about my brother and I. It started with, "I love you", and ended with, "You and your brother were mistakes." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 130
You deserved it 2 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It could be worse. Credit your dad for taking ownership of his "mistakes" and being present in your lives.

sappel 4

aw :| thats fuked up. wat an ass...


boatkicker 4

Either your father needs to learn the difference between "mistake" (something with unintended negative consequences) and "accident" (something unintended) OR Your father was lying when he said "I love you"

TheDrifter 23

Parents can love their children even while acknowledging that they are complete and total failures who inherited the worst of both of their parents gene pools. Perhaps the mistake OP's father was referring to was his choice to procreate with their mother?

fnyunj 3

Dude; he said "I love you." I have kids who were accidents. Mistakes. I love them. Not too fond of their mother. It's very difficult to put into words - the feelings a dad has for his kids in this situation. You feel guilty, you feel like a horrible person because of what society says you're *supposed* to be. But shit does happen in this world, and relationships don't always work out, and it's a hell of a lot easier to reproduce with someone, than it is to find out whether or not they are good and trustworthy people - (you should try to do that first, of course, but some people are really really good liars). Sometimes, your guilt and shame prevents you from being the dad you could be. Sometimes, the power struggle with a codependent, and manipulative partner, makes it impossible. Fathers are usually in a disadvantageous legal position, as well. But he started with "I love you" - that's a message that should be loud and clear. He may not always show it. But he probably feels it. Believe that. The more you let him love you, the better things will be.

SwiftKick2DA 0

beautiful mistakes? hey, I mean Jackie D makes us do alot of shit ya know. plus I'm sure you still have a roof over your head, food, clothes, make-up, games, get to go to school for an education, etc. So I mean love I'm sure lives there ya know home slice

I really want to know how this conversation went.

ego1 0

what kid isn't a mistake these days