By Alec - 15/06/2011 09:02 - United States

Today, I had a sore throat, and I'd read that drops of Tabasco sauce on your tongue helps. I aimed the bottle at my tongue and the whole cap came off, covering my face and filling my mouth with Tabasco sauce, causing me to blow chunks all over the kitchen floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 017
You deserved it 38 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hot sauce for a sore throat? What are you reading, "Medical Journal for those who liken themselves to Chuck Norris"?


awwwhh!!!! that sounds horrible but sooo funny!

suffokate6 0

tabasco sauce would hurt in your eye lol

lindseyluvszac 4

I'm sorry that your misery just made my night. Thanks!

casstastrophexx 0

OP, did you know that gullible is written on your ceiling? YDI

jellybelliez 0

aha urrr fauuulllttt!!! try using tea nxt tym!!

That's unfortunate... Did it at least help?

Huh. You know, they have lozenges for that. I imagine that they taste a lot better..

The design of a Tabasco bottle allows 1-2 drops at a time even with the cap coming off. Calling B/S!