By Alec - 15/06/2011 09:02 - United States

Today, I had a sore throat, and I'd read that drops of Tabasco sauce on your tongue helps. I aimed the bottle at my tongue and the whole cap came off, covering my face and filling my mouth with Tabasco sauce, causing me to blow chunks all over the kitchen floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 017
You deserved it 38 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hot sauce for a sore throat? What are you reading, "Medical Journal for those who liken themselves to Chuck Norris"?


hubla 0

pansy I eat tabasco all the time I could it it when I was five...... I got in trouble a lot when I was little

Hey asshole, not everybody consumes hot sauce all their damned lives like you and I...

hubla 0

well if he can't handle tabasco then he shouldn't be trying to use it as a remedy for his sore throat

meggieh815 0

the sauce wasn't the problem. the problem was the fact that the cap came off and spilled all over OP. Unless you drink tobasco sauce with a straw with nothing else, you would puke too. good try on being tough, guys.

hubla 0

I can drink out the bottle and I know this because I took a bet and got 50 bucks for doing it and I have tried the source which is the hottest hot sauce at the beef jerky outlet which is a so much hotter than a single bottle of Tabasco look it up on YouTube there are videos of people crying and vomiting because it is so hot and all they got was a little drop

sweetcande999 0

Omg you poor thing! Thats horrible!

russell61 0

You are an idiot plain and simple.

HAHAHAHA that was ******* hilarious, i'm sorry. and unfortunate.

So...chunks is your English bulldog, isn't he?

baseball247 0
iveanne 0

I don't think the fml is this particular incident. no the real fml is how incredibly stupid you are. where in the world did you read that Tabasco relieves a sore throat? serves you right for believing everything you read instead of using common sense.