By Mahomie123 - 16/04/2011 22:56 - United States

Today, I had an all day volleyball tournament in a town an hour away. My dad left early, not realizing he was my ride home. I'm now stranded in the middle of a rural town with no way home anytime soon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 324
You deserved it 4 040

Same thing different taste

Top comments

babycakess10 0

the team doesn't take a bus to away games?

sourgirl101 28

This is true. I have 3 maybe 4?posted (anonymously) it's fun to get them posted but never fun having strangers tell you you're a ******* idiot and deserve it! This is probably why so many OP's stay silent.


hcovballer247 0

sucks.. get a ride from another teammate??

Lulu714 0

Well, it's not completely stranded considering you have wifi.

mmmaaarrriii 0

was this at lonestar volleyball at the convention center. I was there today.

I'm not sure if you're aware, but we have cellular devices in this modern day and age. Did you ever, perhaps, think of calling your Dad? Or even a friend? Or, god forbid, call a taxi or even ride public transport?

I live in a rural town. There is pretty much no public transport and the taxis don't come out this far.

I was at a volleyball tournament today too!!!

Your dad just left to go have a quickie with the hooker in the ally behind your school. He'll be back soon.

FMLsOhilarious 6

Why wouldn't you tell your dad beforehand? YDI. Sorry.