By troubled - 04/11/2009 05:10 - United States

Today, I had an appointment with a psychotherapist. I was feeling very depressed and was telling her how I felt no one cared about me. Her phone rang and she left me mid-sentence to take a call about her new BMW. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 794
You deserved it 3 757

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One of my friends has a T-Shirt proclaiming that they take the 'the' out of psychotherapist.

Totally out of line. Her phone should be off during a session. I'd let her know that you would appreciate her full attention during sessions, as you're paying a lot of money for it.


love2laughyou 2

Good for you for having a sense of humor about yourself. However, if you need to feel someone cares about you all I can say (not being a therapist but being a student of the study of both psychology and sociology) no one will care about you untill you do, and those that do care will drown in your nuerosis. Eject the people from your life that don't care, get a decent shrink, and for the love of yourself, love thyself. How can anyone know who you are if you don't know who you are? Message me if you need someone to talk to or go to Angie's list or something. Your therapist seems to suck.

People care about you, OP!! ignore that dumb therapist. Get a new one. And never give up!! (H.O.P.E: Have Optimism Positivity & Excitement!) ;D

Who is the therapist because I my know them

doglover100 28

Mine takes the conversation off topic and takes phone calls and texts. I'll be wanting to talk about something and she'll want to talk about something unrelated. I'm quiting therapy anyways since there hasn't been much to talk about lately.

Completely unproffessional. She should be fired.

FYL. the story is hilarious if you are not on the receiving end of it.

Get a new counsellor. They shouldn't even have their phones in the room.

You need a new counselor. She needs to loose her license.

it could have been a test to see how you react to those situations

Ninjerman 7

Sad! I hope you're doing better now?