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By ryuken23 - 14/02/2012 19:16 - United Kingdom

Today, after breaking down in front of my therapist over some really sensitive issues, she decided to also break down. Not about my story but about her own life. I'm not being paid to comfort and console my therapist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 075
You deserved it 2 931

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chillyCholo 5


chillyCholo 5

They seem to be solid walls of emotionless toughness. Everyones gotta cry and let it out at some point!

DKjazz 20

Sure do, and hey, I bet if you went back to school and got your doctorate, y'all could strike deal. You therapute her, she theraputes you, baddabingbaddaboom. Therapute!

^why do I feel like you've just described a very sexual situation.

While therapists are human and have their own problems, it's unprofessional for them to break down in front of a patient. I don't think anyone is really at fault here, but maybe the therapist is in the wrong line of work if s/he allows this sort of thing to happen....

Yeah, but aren't they supposed to their stuff together?

if she was attractive at all shoulda asked her out. lol

So do therapists have there own therepists? And do those therapists ha

**** I tried to fix therapists because I spelled it wrong but I sent it on accident. The only time I turn off auto correct I need it...

HAHAHAHA oh my god #5, your photo is freakin hilarious

LiveLaughFML 10

And do mail mans deliver their own male? Do doctors have their own doctors? Do fireme--THESE ARE THE QUESTIONS THAT HAUNT ME! *trollface*

LiveLaughFML 10

^ whoops. * Male men.. deliver their own *mail.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

That "mail mans" question cracked me up real good. It's almost too funny of a fail to have been unintentional.

11, it's mailman, you were right the first time. And if a mailman happens to live on his own route, then yes, he delivers his own mail. It's as simple as that. I also hear that doctors make the worst patients.

LiveLaughFML 10

#23 I'm glad you got a good laugh out of it. And nope, it was an honest mistake.

BeaterOfTheDrums 15

44 that's because they try to diagnose themselves, but are legally not allowed too, or something like that..

skyttlz 32

Actually yes most therapists need their own therapist because of the stress of hearing about and helping others.

But how do their therapists cope wouldn't they all be going mad with each others problems?

Actually yes. At least in Britain (don't know about America) part of training to be a counsellor is to receive x many hours worth of counselling.

Therapist 1 sees therapist 2, who sees therapist 3. It's the circle of life. I had a therapist at one point. She was awesome and happy! And so artsy and talkative. Best therapist out of the three I had in my life!

How would you feel if you job was just to listen to people's problems all day? Being a therapist is considered one of the most depressing jobs in the world.

Many therapists have to see other therapists due to all of the problems that they have to talk about. They have to share and understand the pain of their patients, and it's hard not to.

She obviously needs to go on sick leave or something. Listening to people's shit all day is no easy feat.

DKjazz 20

She must've caught the crazy. Shit's contagious.

Well, did you get her job for comforting her?

I honestly laughed my ass off at the mere sight of your amazing picture.

That's like a student teaching a teacher, talk about a mind ****!

That's like an average day at school for me :/.

59 than it's about damn time the students get paid!

Shouldn't she know how to deal with problems? Anyways, shes supposed to. Shes probably having a really hard time. Maybe you two will invent something like mutual therapy or something :D

QfiggyQ 10
VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

I think there's a rule against any kind of personal relationships between patient and therapist

Epsilonyx 15 does that make you feel?

baybay123lol 0

That was unprofessional of her, but sometimes you just can't control what has to come out. I don't really appreciate how you reacted, though. You're not the only person in the world that has problems, and you shouldnt be one to complain when you see someone else in the same state as you.

He's right, though - he's NOT being paid to console her. There's a time and place for everything, and he doesn't have to sit and console his therapist if she begins breaking down in front of him. He didn't go there to do that; he went there to talk about his feelings.

HannahWho 8

I think the session should have been free. I mean, stuff happens and you can't always control it but I hope she did not charge him for it. While unprofessional, she has feelings to. If he does not feel comfortable he could have left.

Reality_bites 14

Exactly windfuelsfire, I totally agree. Its not like the therapist meant to break down and it appears that the OP resents anything that takes the attention off them for a second - "Im not being paid to comfort and console my therapist....." Geez. Its not like the therapist would have been sobbing for the whole hour. It seems like they want everyone to listen to them whinge but cant be there for someone else in their time of need.