By Anonyme - 02/09/2015 04:21 - France - Mitry-mory
I agree, your life sucks
You deserved it
Top comments
I bet he didn't see it coming
He definitely saw that coming
Ask him why he can't see the whole picture
They're just so.. Asian
Probably being true, he can only partially see that as offensive
He sounds super insecure about himself. Dude needs to chill the **** out.
Great job! The female character especially is hilarious!
Hahaha you walked into that one
The Top

I agree, your life sucks
79 956
You deserved it
35 121
I agree, your life sucks
2 813
You deserved it
The Top

I agree, your life sucks
21 547
You deserved it
2 612
I agree, your life sucks
32 688
You deserved it
3 403
I agree, your life sucks
67 195
You deserved it
3 974
I agree, your life sucks
1 084
You deserved it
I agree, your life sucks
47 374
You deserved it
4 460
I agree, your life sucks
27 385
You deserved it
2 751
He sounds super insecure about himself. Dude needs to chill the **** out.
Great job! The female character especially is hilarious!