By Anonymous - 23/05/2012 11:44 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I had dinner with my family for the first time in a couple of days. My mum and dad spent the majority of the time arguing whether salt or pepper weighed more. This is why I'm not home often. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 807
You deserved it 2 239

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aspen_Grace33 27

Welcome home!!!! My parents do the same crap and what's funny is even when we google the answer or whatever they keep arguing. Lol

My father would have beaten the shit out of me had I dared to tell him to shut the **** up. Fortunately I have this thing called "respect" for my parents.


Alex1014 0

You should shoved the pepper and salt into her mouth and left:DYOLO

If I find you, YGTBD. You're Going To Be Decapitated.

Your lucky. I live at home and never get invited for dinner.

dominic1221 6

Do you never get invited to lessons on homonyms either? Or do you just turn the invites down?

Like a couple have said, you're lucky. I don't have a mom or a dad. Biological parents ditched me when I was a baby and my beautiful adoptive mommy died about a year and a half ago. I'd KILL to have my mommy back (never had a dad so I'm used to not having one). Anyway, go enjoy dinner with your parents while you can. Don't let a silly little "argument" over salt and pepper get in the way of valuable time with your loved ones :)

That's sort of a silly expectation isn't it?

Constantly listening to your parents argue can stop them being your loved ones. I hated my parents with every fibre of my being by the time i moved to uni. I love them now, but only because i don't have to listen to them argue every minute of every day (i'm pretty sure they still do it, they dont like each other, but at least i no longer have to listen). OP is right not to go home too often, or he may start wishing one or both of them would meet a horrible accident so that he can get their life insurance and some peace and f***ing quiet. Not that i thought that *cough cough*.

Well I never had to deal with my parents fighting as I only had my mom, so I'm lucky that I never had to deal with the fighting. But many of my friends's parents and my boyfriend's parents are divorced so I do understand somewhat. I'm sorry for those of you who had to deal with fighting and such.

Whatever there on sounds fun, I'll take two.

Haha that's family for ya, sometimes they're a little crazy. At least you don't live at home anymore :D

What in the world makes you think they don't live at home anymore? They said they haven't had dinner with their family in a couple of days, meaning they probably do live at home.

missnuthin 10

oh.. and my mom and brother have similar arguments too. I think the latest one was how baby carrots are made. also, this is why we invented smart phones that can get onto google and wikipedia.

Are you serious? Salt easy! One of your parents is a ******* retard

Can I add a fourth option? Nutella. Not a spice? I don't care. Your arguments are invalid, it is the tastiest and heaviest.