By Anonymous - 23/05/2012 11:44 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I had dinner with my family for the first time in a couple of days. My mum and dad spent the majority of the time arguing whether salt or pepper weighed more. This is why I'm not home often. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 807
You deserved it 2 239

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aspen_Grace33 27

Welcome home!!!! My parents do the same crap and what's funny is even when we google the answer or whatever they keep arguing. Lol

My father would have beaten the shit out of me had I dared to tell him to shut the **** up. Fortunately I have this thing called "respect" for my parents.


Some ppl need to learn what is density and stop making stupid comments about weight

conqueror57 11

Now you're confusing density and mass. What Matters in this argument is mass.

Ask them a kilo of iron would weigh more or a kilo of Cotton! lol. I m sure they would answer Iron. Which is incorrect!!!! ( Mind you - both will weigh same , it's the quantity which will be different!!!)

mrlopez 13

OP, try to shake up, or perhaps spice up the conversation a bit. It'll help to ease the salt-n-peppa argument that's weigh them down.

Rocky007 15

The sugar comment is the cleverest reply ever on FML. Way to go.

cherish the time you have with them. I used to not come home for similar reasons but my mom died recently and now I can't if I wanted. cherish the time.

hewro_failure 11