Set the scene
By Fire0fisis - 23/05/2012 09:38 - Hong Kong

By Fire0fisis - 23/05/2012 09:38 - Hong Kong
By rindawg - 20/01/2009 03:55 - United States
By duckwater - 01/03/2010 06:43 - Australia
By fledermausi - 12/06/2012 13:02 - Hungary - Budapest
By gimmeasalad - 21/04/2012 06:01 - United States - Walnut Creek
By fishruinsex - 08/12/2010 08:46
By Krissy - 25/01/2010 08:36 - United States
By forewhatnow - 07/11/2009 08:47 - Australia
By have it your way - 29/04/2014 19:13 - United States - Rochester
By dating a manchild - 01/06/2012 23:50 - Denmark - Hellerup
By alltern8ive - 09/11/2009 05:05 - United States
Na your thinking of Jason Vorhees that guy always kills during a sex scene.
I read the FML as two ways and can't tell which one it would be. They got in the water, meaning the boat had launched and was in the water, or they literally got out of the boat and into the water to have sex. If its the latter, the guy who chummed was a dbag for doing it with people in the water
I read it as they got into the water and had sex while they were in the water. Not on the water. It can only be read one way actually.
Chumming that soon is nothing to be ashamed of
op dump his ass
Or where there are sharks
The fishing boat saw them having sex and "chummed" I chuckled.
It's also pretty gross to have sex in a lake/ocean/swimming pool, and not just because of the chum. So many germs... Shudder.
Yeah u cud get a uti... Dont do it in beaches ocean ponds lakes hottubs bathrooms or dumpsters behind wendys (mc donalds is fine, bacteria cant survive on their food)
You kidding me? XD they live in hong kong... A few years from now maybe we'll see a FML talking about a kid who was conceived in a chum accident :)
It's not like it smelled any different for him
You do know there's nothing wrong with just having sex ON the boat...
Now where's the fun in that? Sex ON the boat is simply too mainstream nowadays..
Sex in the water scores more points duh.
If they were in the water then why would the fisherman chum the water? Wouldn't get natural fish smell already do that for him?
"We got in the water" could've meant they took the boat out onto the water, not just physically getting into the water. Either way sucks.
seriously... it's extremely unhygienic to have sex in natural water... you could have gotten one hell of an infection OP! not to mention the bacteria from the chumming!! horrifying to even think about all the bacteria in that water >_
Next time have sex on the boat or a bedroom.
Do it like Lois and Peter: Have sex on your Dad's back to piss him off.
Did the boat chum before he did?
It chummed all over them. What?
dangit! I meant to thumb that up.
Omg I just chame
Well there you go foreplay, instead of chocolate you have fish guts to lick off.
I'm waiting for the "Doesn't matter, had sex on a boat" comments. I predict at least 15 of them.
I will save you the horror docbastard and say it, doesn't matter, had sex in blood and fish guts. Come at me thumbs down.
^ I do insist, not scared to be thumbed down :)
What's that in your picture, Doc? *chews on a carrot*
51- I believe that it is an X-ray of a false hip, along with the other bones in that general area.
Soooo nasty! Do you like funk in your lady parts? Waaaaaaaahhhh!!! Get up (get on up), Get up (get on up)! Stay on the scene (get on up), Like a sex machine (get on up)!
HEY! I feel good! (nanananananana) I knew that I would! (nanananananana) I feel nice! (nanananananana) Sugar and spice! (nanananananana) So good! (dun dun) So nice! (dun dun) I got you!
Did the boat chum before he did?
You do know there's nothing wrong with just having sex ON the boat...