By loquacious shit stain - 07/02/2013 17:11 - Australia

Today, I had drinks at a friend's house before going out to a concert. I still had a bottle of beer left, so I brought it along with me. I got kicked out five minutes into the show for bringing my own drink, which is apparently against the rules. I paid $75 to get kicked out over a $3 drink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 750
You deserved it 47 470

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, you're at least 21, so you weren't born yesterday. You must just be stupid.

You deserve it. if you can't bring alcohol into any building, or food and drinks to the movies, what would make you think you could bring alcohol to a concert?


Seriously, did you actually think there would be no problem with this? Are you a moron??

Thats retarded. I mean another reason that they make people buy on premises is to make sure no glass bottles pass around that could hurt the band or spectators.

Um, why don't you go ahead and tell me where exactly they actually do let you bring your own alcohol? I've never heard of any public place being ok with you bringing your own booze. You can't even do that at a bar. You totally deserved that.

mojo5678 5

They wouldn't kick you out over that unless you refused to get rid of it.

LovingCFK 8

No shit. What did you think would happen!? and 75.00 to get in!!? Perhaps this could be an expensive lesson for you to learn.

nope. that's a straight up ydi lol. can't take open drink containers in any venue.

dr_snow_bear 29

I've worked security for concerts/bars/whatever for years. Anytime we have someone bring in outside alcohol we take it, the only time people get thrown out is when they're assholes about giving it up. YDI

clette 2

Everyone knows you can't bring alcohol to a concert

Apart from the liquor licensing issues (concerts will not have a licence that allows outside drinks, same as bars) isn't this just a lack of manners? You wouldn't go sit in a cafe with your coffee from home, would you? It costs them to provide a bar with bar staff and a licence so even if you won't buy anything from them you shouldn't undercut them by taking your own, your beer would still have been at your friend's place tomorrow.