By loquacious shit stain - 07/02/2013 17:11 - Australia

Today, I had drinks at a friend's house before going out to a concert. I still had a bottle of beer left, so I brought it along with me. I got kicked out five minutes into the show for bringing my own drink, which is apparently against the rules. I paid $75 to get kicked out over a $3 drink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 750
You deserved it 47 470

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, you're at least 21, so you weren't born yesterday. You must just be stupid.

You deserve it. if you can't bring alcohol into any building, or food and drinks to the movies, what would make you think you could bring alcohol to a concert?


LadyEmi 15

I'm sorry but just about every place doesn't let you bring your own drinks, I mean that's practically obvious. ...ydi.

I have to admit, long ago, I too have snuck a flask or two into a few concerts before. *Knock on wood* I never got in trouble for it. I guess I always justified my rule breaking due to the price gouging. $18 for one double drink seems outrageous! But I would have definately deserve it if I got kicked out. :P

perdix 29

#30, yes, but you SNUCK it in. You knew what you were doing, so you were discreet about it. The OP was so stupid that she brought it in and flaunted her contraband. There's a difference between an incorrigible scamp and a moron.

Hey, live and learn that expensive lesson. Everyone has done foolish things before. The OP might have been even more noticeable if it was a glass bottle carried in. Concerts (the many I've been to) all forbid glass bottles. Everything is poured into a wide mouth plastic cup. :P

Everybody knows that you can't bring outside food or drink to any venue or event! You totally deserve it!

I would go with, you sir are a dumbass and deserved it.. eff MY life for reading this stupid post. good day.

Omfgitsmia 15

That's dumb. They could've just told you to get rid of it.

Dunno why you got thumbed down, I agree. I mean OP really should've known better but I still wouldn't expect them to throw him out over it, just to confiscate the drink like they do with everything else on the way in - bottles, chewing gum, etc.

um you sir are a dummy. Eff MY life for reading such a stupid post. good day.

perdix 29

Discretion is the better part of valor. . . and a way to save on overpriced drinks!

It's all about bringing a water bottle filled with vodka and drinking it on the subway before a concert.

KingAdrock 16

BEFORE the concert is the key word there. OP could have just finished the beer outside the venue and would have been fine. But instead she brought it inside like an idiot.