By loquacious shit stain - 07/02/2013 17:11 - Australia

Today, I had drinks at a friend's house before going out to a concert. I still had a bottle of beer left, so I brought it along with me. I got kicked out five minutes into the show for bringing my own drink, which is apparently against the rules. I paid $75 to get kicked out over a $3 drink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 750
You deserved it 47 470

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, you're at least 21, so you weren't born yesterday. You must just be stupid.

You deserve it. if you can't bring alcohol into any building, or food and drinks to the movies, what would make you think you could bring alcohol to a concert?


Op was on the balcony when the bouncer saw her pull a beer out of her jacket, so he moved in to pounce. Op reacted quickly by grabbing a sound cable and leaping over the side. With a angry bouncer above her and several below, the band began to play her favorite song. Holding the wire with one hand she pulled out the beer and drew it to her mouth. It would have been the sweetest beer she ever had if the top wasn't on.

jem970 19

Why? It's completely justifiable! Any person with a spare brain cell knows that you don't BYOB to a concert. Much less a bottle!

gothmo 8

...YDI, almost, if not all, venues restrict your own food and beverages. It sucks, but it's another way they make their money. If they let everyone bring in their own beer I'm sure a lot of them would close due to the loss of revenue. I wouldn't be surprised if OP made a big deal over it and THAT'S why they kicked him out, usually they just ask you to get rid of it.

Ins0mau 20

It's also against most liqueur licenses to allow people to bring their own here in Australia.

fliplover 8

Before I was legal, I always thought, To sneak in my own booze, most times I was was caught. But kicked out of the venue, 'twas always naught. With common courtesy, you get away with a lot!

you should have known better..... LoL

I have brought booze to to a few concerts mostly before I was of drinking age. Just have to hide it. I say YDI because you paid 75 bucks to see a concert. I don't think I have ever paid more than 40 and that was for good seats and I still bitched about it.

Geometric 18

In what currency? Remember this guy's from Aussie, so $75 actually is quite reasonable especially if it's a popular concert

Ins0mau 20

63, the Australian dollar is actually worth MORE than the U.S dollar these days. We just get ripped off a lot when it comes to concerts here.

Dude, that's pretty standard. You should have known. When in doubt, don't.

You must have argued with them or something, so YDI. I can't imagine someone seeing you with a bottle and instantly throwing you out, wouldn't they at least just make you throw it away?

jem970 19

Everyone who goes to a lot of concerts know that. There are exceptions but the food and drinks provided are used to help pay the cost of the band, extra bouncers and employees for crowd control and other such costs. Think about it OP. Not a lot of concerts can get everything paid for just by tickets