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By PigPen - 27/09/2009 05:00 - United States

Today, I had lunch with friends I hadn't seen in years. We took a few group shots with my camera, and I went home and downloaded them to my computer. Seeing them on my monitor, I noticed a yellow spot on my black shirt, so I looked down. A big, dried booger was stuck there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 200
You deserved it 10 817

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it's not about the pictures, dudes it's about how he spent lunch with his friends while having a big booger on his shirt that nobody informed him of.


Sun_Kissed18 25

You can't photoshop the booger out of his friends' minds! That would be awesome though.

Darth_Taco 14

Most people probably won't notice. In the photos, you can just photoshop it out or something. This isn't so bad.

PhotoShop it onto your shirt like 9347 times into a pattern until it looks like you've got some dazzling shirt bling.

it's not about the pictures, dudes it's about how he spent lunch with his friends while having a big booger on his shirt that nobody informed him of.

How could he NOT notice their longing eyes fixated on it? I'm sure at least one of his friends was longing to just reach over, pick it off, and let it meet the loving caress of their tongue, which would soon force the boogery sweetness down their esophagus and into the acidic confines of their stomach.

as logical as that sounds, he would have smelt the exquisite scent of booger himself, and fought his friends to the death over this treasure. after he secured victory, he would have taken it to a secluded place to eat it, and then get all the girls because he became the alpha male. so your argument is flawed.

Jefe_fml 0

#7: trying too hard to be witty. #8: Nicely done, take note #7.

Ewww AME haha the acidic confines of my stomach are gonna be brought up from that description...

OohAah01 0

Good call...this is PRECISELY why it's a big FML. Why do so many dopes think it's a Photoshop issue? Jeez.

bxgurl95 0

Um wow... I see where that would be kinda embarassing but I don't think u would wanna fyl over that but its annoying becuase that happened to me and the person who told me was my mom :/

Exactly. Not a FML. And not a big deal? Maybe they thought it was a mustard stain. Or maybe you are the only one in your circle of friends who gives a crap about that sort of thing.

Haha ;) Maybe no one saw? The bad side is that you can't show those pictures to anyone cus they'll see the bogeys!@!