
By goingup? - 25/02/2009 17:53 - United States

Today, I was in an elevator with my girlfriend when it stuck mid-floor. Being supportive, I went to hug her and tell her we'd be OK. Today I also learned that my girlfriend is deathly claustrophobic and her predominant reaction is to vomit. In this case, all over me. We were stuck for 2 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 304
You deserved it 3 752

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Hi, I'm Bob!" "Hi, I'm Claire!" "So... any irrational fears?" Perfectly normal way to start a first date IMO.

If you like her still, then you've got something there. :-P And who voted "you deserved that one"? Supportive -> Vomit. Not really blameworthy there.


they should make a show where claustraphobic people switch lives with agoraphobic people. that is all.

If you like her still, then you've got something there. :-P And who voted "you deserved that one"? Supportive -> Vomit. Not really blameworthy there.

"Hi, I'm Bob!" "Hi, I'm Claire!" "So... any irrational fears?" Perfectly normal way to start a first date IMO.

xEPiCFAiLx 0

Awww, that sucks but what you did was really sweet.

itsfuntobesexy 0

Aww what a sweet boyfriend. Just make sure you don't make fun of her for it or bring it up to her anymore, ever. And DEFINITELY don't tell her you posted the incident on FML, haha.

Are you still alive? 2hrs with a claustrophobic... honestly, I'd knock her out :(

>_> I feel sorry for you... You were just trying to be supportive, and this happens. That must really STINK. xDDD

notfromearth7 0

You did the best thing you could do just didn't turn out right. Mad props to you sir, mad props.