By future walmart employee - 21/05/2013 04:10 - United States - Clarendon Hills

Today, I had my first job as a wedding planner. I'd spent a year making sure everything was right. After the wedding my friend comforted me by saying, "You had to have known it wasn't going to be perfect." I knew that it wouldn't be perfect, but I had expected the groom to at least show up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 483
You deserved it 3 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surely that's not your fault. And if a groom leaves his bride at the altar in front of everyone, instead of honestly discussing things face to face - who would want to be married to a man like that anyway?


Should of had a back up groom ready to go!

That's not your fault OP. Don't be too hard on yourself.

You can't predict the groom not showing. Not your fault so not FML to you but to the bride.

Funny how the Bride was the jilted one, and the planner is upset.

This is what I pointed out, yet I get 4 thumbs down. Funny how that works...

Not your fault, unless-- the groom didn't show up because he fell in love with the "Wedding Planner"? Sounds like that Jennifer Lopez movie. (I only eat the brown M&M's) Lol Hopefully you still got paid for your year's work.

olpally 32

Ouch... F the brides life and your life... :( very sad FML indeed. :/

Well...they're still going to pay you right?

perdix 29

Unless you were schtupping the groom, you did do a good job.

I remember a news story about 15 years ago where a guy had a ball and chain put on him for his stag night. He got drunk and separated from his friends. He fell in a lake. :/

C'mon OP, as a wedding planner, you should have anticipated everything and had a spare groom and bride ready to step in, just in case of cold feet, illness, death, etc. The show must go on OP no matter what!!! YDI for not being God-like enough to see the future and prepare for it.