By future walmart employee - 21/05/2013 04:10 - United States - Clarendon Hills

Today, I had my first job as a wedding planner. I'd spent a year making sure everything was right. After the wedding my friend comforted me by saying, "You had to have known it wasn't going to be perfect." I knew that it wouldn't be perfect, but I had expected the groom to at least show up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 483
You deserved it 3 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surely that's not your fault. And if a groom leaves his bride at the altar in front of everyone, instead of honestly discussing things face to face - who would want to be married to a man like that anyway?


dude if the groom doesnt show upp.. how does it **** your life?

It's not your fault, I bet you planned a fabulous wedding.

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20