By FirstKiss - 13/07/2009 15:00 - Canada

Today, I had my first kiss at a party. Later, I was told that the guy had been dared to kiss the ugliest girl in the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 736
You deserved it 6 674

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks How does she deserve it? Assholes


LOL I'm sorry but you deserve it for being ugly at a party

StealthStorm67 0

148 I agree 100% Try not to be so ugly next time you're at a party

You shoudn't have kissed someone so soon after you meet him, but still an FML for your first kiss being ruined.

This used to be my worst nightmare :| I'm glad my first kiss turned out a lot better than yours. Sorry though.

Well don't assume that what you were told is true. Whoever said that to you might have been wanting to hurt you. Maybe they have a crush on the kisser. People are weird.


your life sucks. But it's funny story. So congratulations!

It doesn't mean you're ugly. It means the room was filled with better looking people.