By Applejacks18 - 06/06/2013 05:01 - United States - Helena
Applejacks18 tells us more.
OP here. I was awake for about 2 minutes before they knocked me out again. My tooth actually broke on the way out so I heard the dentist debate with his staff whether or not he should just leave the root in. The dentist is a cool guy and even offered to buy me lunch sometime.
Top comments
Why is everyone put under when getting their wisdom teeth removed? I was just shot up with novicane and they started pulling and drilling (because one came in sideways). I didn't know people were actually put under.. That seems excessive to me.
Some people can't handle the sounds and such; and depending on the circumstances of the case, the surgery can be major enough to warrant it. My brother is highly allergic to a truckton of pain medications, including novicane, so they had to put him under when they removed his teeth. He had his wisdom teeth and a molar removed, as one of his wisdom teeth had come in underneath it and all but killed it. Needless to say, he was jacked on the few painkillers he could take for several days with a face swollen to high hell and under constant supervision in case he had a reaction. The sounds kill me; I can barely have my teeth cleaned without going nuts. The sounds of bombs (that's what it sounds like towards the back of my mouth) going off in my ear with a spinning drill in my mouth is not fun.
When I had my wisdom teeth out, my dentist told me they were severely it would take over two hours to get them out. There was no way I was staying awake for that! D:
I think that when there are several teeth that if you numb it all the person will have no control over the jaw or tongue or spit, and it's easier to just sedate them. I will just have mine taken out one by one. 3 to go. The sound when the doctor was cutting the tooth in half was actually the worst - it was just very loud. Got pain meds for later, so, in my case: no pain at any point until it was all healed :)
In my country it's not even legal for dentists to put someone under.
Here we book an OR and it is done by a maxiofacial surgeon.
I had 3 taken out at once and all I has was novicane and laughing gas.
Edit: local anaesthetic not novicane
My mom was a dental hygienist before becoming a full time mom. I asked her why oral surgeons put people to sleep and she said that they do it due to the fact that they drill into your jaw and its easier for the patient. Personally, I think another reason is that the brain is really powerful.
#66 Just give them some weed
They have the proper medical staff, the dentist doesn't put you under.
This is why I have to be put under no matter how minor the surgery. I don't want to know a damn thing until an hour after its all said and done.
I was awake during my top two being pulled, and didn't feel a thing. Don't be a cry baby.
You must have had local anaesthetic though. OP had general so they wouldn't have had any pain relief at all when they woke up.
I feel your pain OP. The same thing happened to me when I got my wisdom teeth removed. Feel better!
you actually get fully sedated? here just some local anaesthetic. mine didn't work on the right side, but i was too scared of the needles to ask for more. hurt like hell.
That's brutal OP! I have to get mine out by the 27th - hopefully that wouldn't happens to me. And I hope the Doctor gave you lots of pain meds...
When I went to get all 4 wisdom teeth pulled, my dad and the dentist had a debate about the cost of using laughing gas or painkillers, my dad ended up refusing to pay, so I had to choose the cheapest method, which was painkillers. It was cheaper by around $700, and the surgery wasn't nearly as bad as some people say.
Sucks... Anesthesia wasn't strong enough for me too.
I don't see what the big deal is. You're still numbed even if you're asleep.
That's the worst...get well soon...
Not a wise thing to do.
Same thing happened to me. The feeling of having your tooth ripped out and you can't do anything but lay there paralyzed is absolutely horrible. I had nightmares for days.