By maddy - 28/02/2010 17:10 - United States

Today, I had pancakes for breakfast, and without realizing it, I got syrup in my hair. After breakfast, I went to straighten my hair, only to burn the syrup and have it get stuck in my hair. There was no time to shower and it smelled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 060
You deserved it 23 831

Same thing different taste

Top comments

musicalibrary 4

Try your best not to attract ants.

Tamara2011 0

Hey that's a good way to attract guy ;) they know that you should taste good in the future.... lol


GreenChild44 0

I definitely did the same thing except with toothpaste...ugh

That sucks! I've done that before but with toothpaste... smelled DISGUSTING :(

ohhdamn 0

lortay2468_fml 0

eww yew dirty 4real I would shower even if that meant I would be 15 minutes late to wherever. and yet u still have time to write this fml instead of showering wow u dirty

yea you have time to post this but not time to put ur head under the shower for a minute

shouldve just cut that bit off. simple solution. besides it probably wouldn't have been that much hair cut off so who cares.. grab some scissors and get to work OP...

X_Death_Note_X 8

if there is no time to wash it out then how do u have time to post this? fail.

People are so gross. How do you get your hair close enough to your food to get syrup in it? Ew! Here're a few tips: When you approach any table at which you are going to have a meal (if you're not dressed up or something) have your hair pulled back off your face. When you eat, do not touch anything above shoulder-level unless you leave the table altogether to do it. Do not lift your fork above mouth level or away from the general vicinity of plate-to-mouth. Wipe your hands and mouth as needed when you eat. -These tips will help you to avoid such problems in the future. :D