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By aaah. - 24/05/2012 05:42 - Canada - Caronport

Today, I had to take Viagra. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 187
You deserved it 7 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you're getting some my friend. You'll probably last longer too. Maybe too long....


At least you're getting some my friend. You'll probably last longer too. Maybe too long....

Just like Duracell batteries in smoke detectors that goes off all the time?

Energizer. He just keeps going and going...

EvilTwerp 12

OP! I just got out of health 101. Not sure if it was "Forks Over Knives" but I was told that taking a Viagra is like a sign. It's supposed to say something like "Hey bro! Your arteries are getting clogged! That's why you can't get any blood to the Magic Man down there." I'd suggest going to the doctor for a Check-up.

free2speak 14

To comment 1: or since he didn't specify what for, he might have had to take it to lower his BP. Going off the assumption that Viagra is most often prescribed for erticle dysfunction, it's still not a "FML" if OP is slightly older (by which I mean he is in his 40's). I guess I'm biased in that I am a female so I don't know how attached men are to their ego of being able to raise it and work it. Hey, whatever it takes to get laid! Plus, if you're discreet, your SO probably won't even notice!

hahafylop 4

His post should take Viagara so there is room for me to click on it.

Boygenius50 8

My name's Edward, but you can call me ED

MizzErikaHart 8

^ I thought that was funny. You must have got thumbed down cuz no1 understood ur joke.

Must've been stuck between a rock, and a very hard place..'

Boygenius50 8

Haha the users of FML have fickle taste...

21- If it's more than 4 hours OP should see a doctor

If it's been more than 4 hours, the OP should see about hosting a sex party.

If I have a boner that lasts four hours, I'm not calling a doctor. I'm calling the Guiness Book of World Records!

Try to not show your ignorance by guessing viagra is for hypertension, because it is not. Its indicated for PULMONARY hypertension and erectile dysfunction. So if OP is taking it for either reasons, FHL indeed :/

Krysk, my friend! How's it going, bro?

If you can last more than 4 hours, then you deserve a medal.

EvilTwerp 12

Seriously? I get thumbed down for telling OP that he could have a heart attack? If you take Viagra, it basically enlarges your veins and arteries, causing more blood to flow through it. If you need one of those pills, it's probably because of plaque buildup in those arteries.

blackheart24 10

Today, I tried to tap this FML. FML.

celticssss 0

Skoomaki - I feel that someone has to say this.. Get a life! I've been reading a few recent fmls and you're all over them! Stop trying so hard for a few thumbs up from strangers.

It matters, can't have sex (without Viagra)

Is it possible for the moderators to suspend an account for using this horribly rehashed meme? It's gotten to the point of being extremely annoying. And before anyone attacks me with "Freedom of speech" or "I'm sure you've said it before", let me say this: I have 811 combined comments on this site (not that this matters, just to make a point), and not one of them uses this meme. Others that have never used this meme: SkoomaKi: 1,000+ comments DocBastard: 10,000+ comments Enslaved: 1,000+ comments redbluegreen: 10,000+ comments There are plenty of other people that have never used this on the site, simply because of how annoying and overused it is. Please give it a rest.

RedPillSucks 31

Ask the moderator to filter all comments listed in DocBastards profile

Llamacod 11

maninthemachine, I don't know that they have explicit right to "freedom of speech" in france. Of course of you don't like "doesn't matter had sex" you don't have to read the gnp comments then you won't have to be so "annoyed" because we wouldn't want you to be annoyed

Boygenius50 8

MITM, I'm glad to see everybody thumbing you up

71, why do you care so much? 90% of the kids that post that have never had sex.

Llamacod 11

whoa spazmatic youaremyprey, I assumed nithing

Llamacod 11

sorry, got cut off. I assumed nothing. I states that I didn't know whether or not frenchies had the "right" to free speech or not. presuming you are a frenchie, maybe if you got your lazy ass a job you wouldn't be so bitter champagne just maybe learn to comprehend the words written in front of you. see when someone says "I don't know that..." it doesn't mean that they are saying that it doesn't exist, it means exactly that what it says. I wasn't assuming that that usa was the only country with freedom of speech as I know other countries do as well. what ones saying was I didn't know whether or not france had such a right in its declarations.

It matters, can't have sex (without Viagra)


Well, it's kind if a bummer when a man realizes that they can't get an erection without a little help.

crazychick1269 7

I guess he's had his "ups" and "downs" in life.

He needed extra help to get his life "up"

^well done captain obvious, I think we all did.

william8691 10

Come on guys don't you think you're being a little too "hard on" the guy...

No offense to anyone but I don't want to be "hard on" to any guy...

kut17 11

Awesome. don't be so "hard" on yourself. y--you see what I did there?

Jackasss_fml 14

You just ****** it up by mentioning it.

SystemofaBlink41 27

It's not that "hard" to see. I'm "coming" to think some people in FML are idiots


Remember. If your erection last longer than four hours, keep going until it goes down lol

RedPillSucks 31

If your erection last longer than 4 hours,that's rigor mortis, cause you're dead

If it lasts more than four hours, you gotta pull the girl off you.

AliceLockehart 18

You make it sound like there's something wrong with sex that goes for longer than four hours.

If an erection last more than four hours, one runs a high risk of popping a specific vein (I can't remember the name right now.) If said vein were to pop, you could cause server damage to yourself and may never get an erection again. : / it's sad really.

AliceLockehart 18
Llamacod 11

where's doc bastard when you need him to tell us what could happen when one gets an erection lasting more than four hours because # 106 seems completely incorrect to me but I don't know for sure

"I had to take Viagra. A vein in my penis exploded. FML"

22cute 17

No, I think a four hour erection just drains so much blood away from your brain that you may suffer some permanent brain damage.

If you have an erection lasting longer than 4 hours... CUT IT OFF!

crazykid300 6

#106 my dick hurts cuz of u

After four hours, you go to the hospital because at six hours the tissue in the penis begins to die due to lack of blood flow. You go at four hours to give the health care workers time to save your penis from necrosis and death.

There was a reason it was made. You aren't alone. Nothing to be ashamed of.

It was originally made to treat cardio vascular problems.

thiscrazything 1

And apparently it does it quite well.

Yea was made to treat heart issues, side effect was a bonner so they did a spin off of the medicine.

BlackHarry 0

Welcome to my world, my brother. I eat them like M&Ms.

I'm suprised you haven't died from the blood pressure going to your penis!

jackery 2

Your dick is gonna explode some day and you will be stuck with a mangina

VIVA VIAGRA! Oh wait, I'm a girl. Why am I taking these? Why are my fingers so stiff?

palahniukpaul 6

Unless you're a patient on House md then it's not that big of a deal

Had a pretty tough time trying to tap/click on the FML.