By Anonymous - 09/01/2011 05:26 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Jac - 17/01/2010 19:59 - United States
By cookscatastrophy - 08/12/2009 08:19 - United States
John Tucker would've known what to do.
By Dan - 09/10/2017 04:30
By Sammylad - 07/09/2011 22:14 - United Kingdom
By WTF? - 01/04/2011 15:55 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 19/02/2013 06:19 - United States - New Castle
Show off
By Anonymous - 17/06/2022 09:00 - Algeria - Tipaza
By DangerZone - 12/11/2009 03:05 - United States
College rules
By littlekellilee - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada
By TJ. - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - India
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Show it anywayYou could sue the school for letting that happen. It caused you emotional trauma. A student in my high school did just that and they had to settle out of court. (For being pants-ed in gym class) Granted, I come from a pretty affluent area and this boy probably had a father who could either pay for an amazing lawyer, or was one himself.
eww girl you need control that forest down there.YDI
ok thats just ridiculas and stupid because pulling down someones pants is just a joke! Friggin troll
Haha. I don't see how this is an FML though...
Really? So I guess it's normal for you that people see your genitalia, and then comment whether or not you should shave. I mean It doesn't happen to me on a daily basis but if it happens to you often then I guess it's not really an FML for you.
Really? You don't see how exposing their genitalia unintentionally to someone they likes might be an unhappy event for them? Maybe you don't see the correlation between this happening and their complete lack of trust towards their friend? Maybe you just don't have a problem showing people your wang in public places...
Yes, you are both correct, however, it's not like their life is screwed now, she's just a little embarrassed. Also, I read it as the comment he made was the FML, because who cares if he says to shave or not. it's OP's decision, so if she cares that much, then just shave.
I'm sorry, what am I supposed to be learning? Is that referring to my first post? Because yeah, I'm quite confused.
Ouch man, I'm hurting. Nah but maybe I just said it wrong, all I was saying is that I've seen a lot more FML's that haven't gone through, when they were clearly worse than this. Everyone who saw this or whatever, will forget about it really quickly. Unless of course it's a really small school. But yeah, it could have been way worse than him just saying what he said... Now please, I haven't insulted anyway, can you please stop insulting me? Thanks.
Yes, that was mean, like I said. But as the guy below me said, I can speak my mind. Obviously #12 could have said it a lot nicer, but still it was just my opinion and I was being truthful. Everyone can't be super nice 100% of their life.
#64 - Why did you put an apostrophe in FMLs?
FMLs are supposed to be funny, not terrible. Otherwise we would see a lot more FMLs posted post mortem.
#69, I'm not quite sure. I can't remember writing that, maybe my iPod auto-corrected it.
Oh far out, yes, it was insulting if the person cared. Like I had already said about it being mean, and I meant haven't insulted you or anyone replying to these comments. If you want to insult me, insult me on the one where I have too, not on this one. And now your probably going to say shit to me again for another stupid post, yeah?
i hate trollers. Arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics, even if you win your still retarded
pendatik, really? SHUT THE **** UP!!!!
@gooBuzz, that guy Pendadick is lame. He gets butthurt over the simplest things, even when you clearly meant no harm. Then he goes out of his way (not really b/c he has no life) to make others feel as miserable as he is... the sad little dude. don't feed him, this is his only source of entertainment in his life. sometimes it helps to remember that that is how people act when they don't have real life friends.
Pendatik = gay butt lover. Goobuzz = mature. "Feel free to share your opinion, but try not to be rude about it."
Really? Calm down, you nitwits.
so you wouldn't care if someone pulled down ur pants AND your underwear for your whole class to see? u think that it would just blow over by the next day? you wouldnt care if your "lower half" was exposed to everyone for them to remember? with that picture of your bare body in their minds for the rest of their lives? no. it would not be forgotten for a few year in the least. they probably got a nickname like 'hairy balls' if you were a boy. but idk what a nickname would be for a girl.
@84 You're** still retarded ;)
so? shave.
I bet your gf refuse to shave :P
I bet you do shave ;)
Since when is the appearance of other girls' genitals your concern? Anyway, one could easily say the same about guys: Exactly, I don't see why guys don't shave; that's just disgusting. ...or about grammar: Exactly, I don't see why you don't use capitalization, punctuation, and proper grammar; that's just stupid. To answer your question, some girls don't shave because they don't have the time/money for it. Some girls don't shave because it hurts. Some girls don't shave because they don't give a **** about the opinion of someone named "nhrafan." That is all.
if a girl I **** is furry I'll buy her a weed wacker and GUYS DON'T SHAVE it makes you of the genitals of a six year old
bush is awesome jus sayin
I shave and I'm a guy. I actually am concerned for any girls i happen to date and shave down there to do them favor.
Why? De girls like da boosh because it's cushion.
OP is the girl. Get new friends, or shave and wear cute/hot underwear xD
chop down dem trees!!!
I think that pantsing shit is immature n considered serious bullying. I would never do that to someone and couldn't be friends with someone who could. you need to get a new friend. it's a problem for the person who gets pantsed and for innocent bystanders who don't want to see that.
Not cool, 12.
Shut up #12.
Haha, I feel bad for agreeing with #12 because it's mean, but yeah, it's true.
Okay I withdraw my comment before I get flammed. :S
17 its yr opinion share it!!! and she is unattractive but no need to bring it up so harshly 12... man thats not cool :/
Actually I think 10 looks nice. you douchebags need to stop talking shit about people over the Internet. Cowards.
46 - and YOUR picture made ME gag!
#10, I agree with you. No one should have to deal with there pants being pulled down in public. #12, Shut up. I hope you get pants'd and people can see your little kid penis. OP, you're a chick, why are you wearing shorts or pants that can be pulled down? Pants-ing was big when I was in high school, but I was always prepared. A couple girls tried it and couldn't get them down.
It was in gym class.
#12 is just showing off because he knows there is nothing to see if someone pants him.
Do all you guys live in America? Because where I live I've never heard of that. Here we call it "dacking". Just wondering... :/
what are you a panda you retard
53- and YOUR picture made me giggle :)
well someone has no sense in humor. u were probably one who got pantsd to
its probably cause you were pants'd in school.
Your friend should now be your ex-friend. That is a horrible thing to do to an innocent person.
OP, most shorts, that I know of, have a string that is used to tighten the waist band. You are also in school with immature kids. You should have been prepared.
If you pull hard enough they will still come down I suppose xD
Just ask him if he could help you shave ;)
that's what I would do ;)

I think that pantsing shit is immature n considered serious bullying. I would never do that to someone and couldn't be friends with someone who could. you need to get a new friend. it's a problem for the person who gets pantsed and for innocent bystanders who don't want to see that.
Really? So I guess it's normal for you that people see your genitalia, and then comment whether or not you should shave. I mean It doesn't happen to me on a daily basis but if it happens to you often then I guess it's not really an FML for you.